Well the rule sez: The GOTA station may be operated by Novice, Technicians or
generally inactive hams under their existing operating privileges, or under
the direction of a Control Operator with appropriate privileges, as
necessary. Non-licensed persons may participate under the direct supervision
of an appropriate control operator. A list of operators and participants
must be included on the required summary sheet to ARRL HQ.
How one interprets "generally inactive hams" is beyond me.
Lamont Cranston
The Shadow Knows
"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message
"Da Shadow" wrote in message
We will be a 5F station plus GOTA in CA. I have the GOTA station
GOTA will be on 40M thru 144 MHz. Phone, Data, and some CW (if we can
CW op with no HF experience)
The GOTA station is not limited to people with no HF experience. It is
people with little experience or who have been off the air for a while.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE