The Game's Afoot!
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June 22nd 04, 11:26 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(William) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
Robeson K4CAP) writes:
Sucks to be you...again.
Tsk, tsk, tsk...not only dissing and cussing, but very bad
sentence structure. Try some remedial English classes.
During the day since you abhor night classes. It would
make a remarkable difference in improving your
written communications.
Temper fry...
It's all a part of his "tuff guy" self-image. The only problem is the
rest of us don't see a tough guy. He's just another Walter Mitty
"Sir, First General Order: I will beep my key in a military manner,
keeping always on the alert for the NCI, dissing and cussing those
within sight and hearing. Sir!"
Yes SIR! [geez, I forgot the "sir" part...been away too long from
the military (since 1989 and lovely Fort Irwin, heh heh)]
Gosh, Brian, we be "drudges" according to a high-society
civilian (king of the katapults) who dines with Captains and
then shoots bears for navel intelligence while on navel
Got an extra frag grenade? I think I need some practice there,
too. Need to prune down the wild growth on the chain of
command in here. :-)
No sweat on BASS...had that down just dandy a long time ago
when the sight picture steadied down and "a few ounces of
finger pressure" reached out and touched the bull. Lots of
"bull" in here. All paper tigers, too, just like paper targets.
Too bad you "were not in Somalia" and I was just a "rear
area radio clerk" but ol grizzled gunnery nurse did "seven
hostile actions!" [he "has it in his wallet"] {probably along
with that elastomeric thing that is ready for more "action"]
I wonder where "Mogandishu" is? I don't think it is in
Somalia. I've heard of Mogadishu" but nursie keeps
mumbling about "Mogandishu"...
Sorry, I meandered. Forgot this newsgroup is supposed to
concentrate on presidential politics and how evil, wicked, mean
and nasty them Dems are. Too bad this newsgroup couldn't
discuss amateur radio matters or serious issues like Broadband
over Power Lines or the upcoming rules changes in Part 97.
I think this newsgrope is only for licensed political amateur
operators, all of whom have credentials in economics, politics,
and statesmanship, plus much experience IN office! Yeah,
that's it:!
Beep, beep
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