The Game's Afoot!
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June 22nd 04, 11:26 PM
Len Over 21
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(William) writes:
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(Len Over 21) writes:
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(William) writes:
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(William) writes:
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(William) writes:
Best of luck - you're going to have to google everything up to
the Security Detail with "proof."
See "Cinderella Liberty."
I didn't. Jack Nicholson is in that one as an SP. Jack also
Colonel Jessup in "A Few Good Men." [famous line in that pic...
"You can't handle the truth!!!"]
"You can't tell the truth!!!" would be more appropriate. And that
crazy glint in his eye, as in "The Shining."
I'm going to watch Amazon and Hollywood Video (the chain) for
low-cost CDs of that movie. Darn good acting by all involved,
even Tom Cruise.
[I hope that Amazon has it on sale soon...before they go "bank-
rupt." :-) ]
Bankrupt? Hopefully they will actually deliver on all of the pre-sold
Clinton's, "My Life."
Hmmmm. Maybe that's how it got on the best seller list already. They
never intended to deliver, and all of the orders thru Amazon just go
Anyway, saying it is a best seller (without any actual delivieries)
just might make it sell better.
Dunno about "My Life," but Rev. Jimmie Who said a few years
back that Amazon was going bankrupt or something about
"no profit."
Amazon sure does a LOT of advertising for a "non-profit"
I'm glad my wife got her order delivered last week before
Amazon went under. [free shipping again...too bad the
League couldn't do that when commercial companies did]
tsk, tsk, tsk...all that "hostile action" stuff and never did
Recon Marine intel patrolling?
Maybe he was a "box kicker."
"How I Kicked Seven Hostile Boxes," coming to a theater near you.
Oh, heck and darn, Brian, now you have me curious and
I have to start cadging copies of Daily Variety and Hollywood
Reporter to find out the expected release date! :-(
Action-filled scenes at night, no befits keeping the
when and where a Secret!
I wonder if someone will market little scowling action figures?
One action figure, numerous interchangeable scowling faces.
[oops...didn't complete that message!]
I hope they have cute little interchangeable UNIFORMS to go
with them. Scrubs, cammies, poopysuits, etc. That would make
them "authentic." :-)
And all the little incitations and, errr, I meant citations and
medals. You don't have to earn them, just have your mom and dad buy
them, or get them free out of specially marked boxes of Froot Loops.
"Supply Sergeant" has a website. Anyone can get those
geegaws. And uniforms. Even if they didn't, anyone can join
the good 'ol boys in the TN STATE guard, meet once a month
and act like sojers in da woods.
Gunnery nurse said "I couldn't possibly have one of my four
ribbons" because those weren't issued after WW2. Strange,
I just looked in the closet and there it was, still with the other
three just like it was in 1956.
Well, nursie say you weren't in Somalia, either. Not nice thing
to say. His fantasyland apparently doesn't have such a territory
but reality does. Fantasyland has lots and lots of "credentials"
all with lovely flowery borders on nice paper (suitable for framing)
but it don't got a First Phone (commercial) there in light blue.
Commercial licenses must not exist in nursieworld.
Wonder if nursie ever got that "military handset" to go with the
paramilitary pack special from SGC on an SG-2020 kit? Would
be real boss to have him do GOTA in cammies, helmet, with a
real (first time) military handset that can slide up inside the
helmet when pressed to the ear. He can do "military comms"
almost for real on FD!
Maybe Amazon will have a special DVD on that event...before
they go bankrupt (again)?
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