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Old June 22nd 04, 11:26 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
(Len Over 21)
Date: 6/21/2004 6:10 PM Central Standard Time

In article , Radio Amateur


I think maybe you're half right, Len. believe it or not, even my ham
rigs are Part 15 devices and come with the usual Part 15 warning
sticker on them.

Part 15 regulations apply to INCIDENTAL EMITTERS such as
receivers, data couplers (if you have software controlled anything
as a peripheral) and so forth.

They also pertain to INTENTIONAL EMMITERS, including those who operate
license free walkie talkies, "broadcast transmitters", etc.

Now, don't tell us you actually downloaded Part 15?!?

You had somebody help you navigate there, didn't you?
Fess up. You are too ANGRY and emotional to navigate
the web by yourself.

Of course you know this...You've "threatened" to get on 20 meters with a
Part 15 legal "station" before.

No, not "threatened." DID it many times. All the HF ham bands
from 80m on up to 10m using an antenna impedance analyzer.
Radiating RF as all such analyzers do. Also at LEGAL RF power

You could have discerned this from a particular Ham Radio magazine
article that described programs for an HP-25 pocket scientific
calculator to measure antenna impedance, coaxial cable
characteristics, etc., using an RF Noise Bridge. Another Anderson
did translation of those HP-25 programs to Texas Instruments
(forward notation arithmetic, not RPN) and that was published.

But, in your usual warm, witty, nice-guy manner, you will diss and
cuss, call names, and generally come unglued all about a 22-year
independent ham publication being "defunct" and worthless and
then say I "cut-and-pasted from others' works." :-)

You never carried through, though...Just like a dozen other "promises"...

What are those "dozen other promises" nursie?

Did I sign any "promisory note?" A contract? In lots of years of
existance, I've changed my mind several times. Back in 1952 I
was working as a commercial illustrator and decided to voluntarily
enlist the U.S. Army. That exposure - to really BIG HF comms -
changed my mind. After studying commercial illustration out here
(Art Center School of Design, old campus on 3rd Street, not the
present one in Pasadena) I changed to engineering. Never looked
back. Worked in aerospace here since 1956, got experience,
got schooling, got responsibilty in design work, had to do the
field engineering thing from time to time that forced attendance
in night classes (all properly accredited) to make up for day
class absences. Difficult to do that when having to work at
regular day jobs.

After my first wife died (brief marriage) I promised myself I would
never get married again, be a bachelor. Was one a long time.
Then I got re-acquainted with my high school sweetheart after a
long total absence and "broke that promise!" ["broke" in the
nursieworld term, a near capital crime in that strange fantasyland]
Best man at my wedding was Al Walston...he's still around, still
has callsign W6MJN. Sunnuvagun! How about that?

Nursie, you've dissed, cussed, called vile names on everything
I've written about in here. Problem you have - besides the angry,
rampant demonstrated sociopathy - is that all I've written is
factual, can be referenced by documents held by others or by
others still living who were there, with me at the times I've told
about. That's the terrible mountain of truth you cannot climb.

Life isn't established at birth with some ironclad specification
that all must, forever hold to some "promises" made long ago
or even yesterday. Events and experiences happen that will
change conditions, change opinions, change minds, and lots
of those happenings aren't in our control. We have to ride them
out, survive. We CAN survive WITHOUT being always angry at
others or trying to tear down others for having opposite opinions
or more wide-ranging experiences.

Sadly, you've chosen to remain angry, to insult others who've
expressed opposite opinions, tried to tear down what they've
accomplished (and been able to validly reference). You've tried
to bully, demoralize, denigrate others by some strange game
of newsgroup "conquest" game, yourself telling outright lies
and distortions of truth without being able to reference such.

That hasn't worked. Your perceived "enemies" are still here.

This should not be a forum to express personal hatred of others,
but you do an observable job of turning it into one. You have
NO authority to force anyone to your wishes, yet you continue
to demand such while insulting everyone who does not "obey"
you. For that, you get no respect, no honor, nothing but
emptiness from readers who won't bother to come in as
participants in this forum.

This newsgroup could cover some important issues in amateur
radio. Access BPL is a spectre looming in the near future to
inhibit the HF communications world. Is there any discussion
of that? No, very little. Things segue to petty political
polarization involving presidential candidates, shouting and
hollering, each party calling the other an "evil" that must be
eradicated or mankind is doomed. Silly stuff.

Docket 04-140 is being commented on for some (relatively)
minor changes in Part 97. Any comments on that? No.
No less than 18 Petitions have been filed on much larger
changes in Amateur regulations...yet all the "discussion" is
one-sided insult fest of all the status-quoists desperately
trying to maintain regulations as they were, at all costs,
through personal insults against those advocating change.

Change WILL happen. All the vile name-calling, angry
shouts and veiled threats won't stop it. Change can't be
stopped, but it can be steered, directed into new vectors
that are more navigable, better suited for the majority and
those yet to enter the activity.