In article , Dave Heil
Why does it always have to be about you, Len?
About "me?!?"
Herr Robust getting adalpated again. Too many oriongasms?
Nursie all obsessed with hating me...has to bring me up in
usual barf messages nearly all the time.
Are you getting as bad as nursie? [if so, get help pronto...]
Radio amateurs are free
to seek out information about the "larger world of radio" in any number
of venues.
Feel free. So, when are you going to do that?
Many radio amateurs have been or are participants in the
"larger world of radio".
I've worked with some of those longer than herr robust has
been a ham.
They not behave like Big Dave, the officious pompous
authoritity figure telling all what to do and how to do it.
If you'd like to impress us, obtain an amateur
radio license of any class and regale us with those tales.
"Impressing" big dave is NOT in my life's plan. :-)
Big Dave can only be impressed by looking at his own image
in a mirror. :-)
Temper fry...