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Old June 25th 04, 01:54 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
Date: 6/24/2004 7:22 AM Central Standard Time

Dave Heil wrote in message
Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil


Len Over 21 wrote:

In article ,

Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
(Len Over 21)
Date: 6/23/2004 12:13 AM Central Standard Time

You hate Amateur Radio and Amateur Radio licensees. That's


No. Amateur radio is a fine hobby, interesting, a fine

with great technological learning capabilities.

Aside from hearsay or SWLing, how would you know, Leonard?

Heil, you've done that schtick already. It doesn't apply. It
doesn't work. Give up on that ploy.

It isn't schtick and it is no ploy, Leonard.

If some kid, assuming that he is above the age which you believe should
be the minimum for amateur radio licensing, comes to you and says, "What
can you tell me about amateur radio, Mr. Anderson?", the best you'll be
able to do is tell him that you heard from a friend that amateur radio
or that you read in a book that amateur radio is...

You're shucking and jiving, Leonard.

Dave K8MN

Interesting. I once said that a prospective ham almost had to know a
ham to become a ham. Then you guys set upon me like the pack of wild
dogs that you are, telling me of acts of heroism how you got the book
and read it and went down to the steely-eyed fcc examiner and became a
ham. No sir! No help from no one.

So Len could tell the kid to get a book. Which according to your
comment above, a book just isn't going to give sufficient information
to be able to answer questions about amateur radio.

You guys play both ends against the middle, and now that you've worked
down to the middle, your arguments fail because they are
contradictory. Go argue with yourself. You, K8MN, are shucking and

Best of Luck.

The POINT, Your Junior Putziness, is that Lennie doesn't HAVE the
experience to help the kid OTHER than the theory part.

Riiiight...just five-plus decades of experience beginning around 1947.

OH! Maybe the gunnery nurse is going to address the troops at
morning assembly again:

"Amateur radio WORKS DIFFERENT that all other radio services!"

Right..."amateur electrons" instead of commercial ones. Uh huh.

Poor nursie...thinks the FCC can regulate Laws of Physics too!

He can't help with testing, other than to refer him to someone else.

Riiiight...amateur radio WORKS DIFFERENT than all other radio.

Unca Stevie da gunnery nursie gave us the command orders!

He can't help with the Code (should "the kid" desire to learn it), other
than to refer him to someone else. amateur radio transmitter can WORK on HF without
the "opertator" being tested for manual telegraphy. :-)

Da gubmint and da Army use COMPUTER PROGRAMS to
teach morse code cognition at Fort Huachuca, AZ. Do dat mean
da computers gotta be LICENSED IN HAM RADIO?

He can't help with tutoring "the kid" on proper Amateur Radio operating
technique, other than to refer him to someone else.

BANDS IS MOST IMPORTANT! Hams and hamsters can get
fired if they screw up on procedure, lose their social status, be
taken out and shot in the AM...and then be chewed out by the
Super Chief Master Gunnery Nurse!

A fate worse than death.

Those that don't use proper procedure might never OPERTATE

He can't help with...well....I can go on and on....

Poor nursie, still obsessed with hate.

It's NOT about working "both ends against the middle". is capitulation to the loudmouths like gunnery nurse
and herr robust and like-minded self-righteous control freaks of
olde-tyme hamme raddio.

It's about what contributions Lennie has alledgedly made to Amateur

WOW! New requirement!

All newcomers MUST CONTRIBUTE to ham radio BEFORE they
get licensed!

Hits a new high in the extra nobility snob category...all serve the
might lords of telegraphy FIRST...then they MIGHT let one come
into "their kingdom" if one groveled well enough to suit their
noble blue-blooded righteousness.

Easily summated, it's ZERO.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nursie done expressed all kinds of "informed
opinions" on national and world economy, the socio-political
climate, ad nauseum, and has ZERO credentials or smarts in


Subject didn't touch ham radio within a light-year but here his
mightyness be sitting, spittle shooting out in rage of denigration
of others, and then NOT knowing radio physics.

His only "professional" affiliation with
Amateur Radio went belly-up a long time ago. Furthermore there's not a single
reference, footnote or other attribution of an LHA-authored HR article in ANY
technical text outside of that defunct magazine, and even then, that's 20+

old information.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nursie need to read more. :-)

Nursie not know radio theory, certainly not electronics in general.

Nursie need to check out UK website having listings of
radio articles.

Nursie think FCC can make electrons, fields, and waves "act
different" by law if they separate "amateur" radio from all other

Nursie gots to get more education in theory to UNDERSTAND
technical subjects written up in publications. Memorizing the
sales phrases and jargon in QST advertisements not enough.

Nursie are not right in head.

As you can see, no luck was needed...just facts.

"Facts" in nursieworld much different than reality.

Nursie "facts" not same as real-world facts.

Temper fry...