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Old June 25th 04, 06:58 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
Subject: BPL - UPLC -Repeat the lie three times and claim it for truth
From: Mike Coslo
Date: 6/24/2004 10:11 AM Central Standard Time

N2EY wrote:

August 15, 1971: USA abandoned the gold standard.

Guess who was president.....

Good guess, but not quite. We were moving away from the Gold Standard
at that time. It was the date that President Richard Nixon instituted
Wage and Price controls. At that time, inflation was at the 4% level -
something considered intolerable.

And please remember that these were the conditions passed to him by a...

(drum roll, please....)

A Demoncrat!

And a Demoncrat before THAT one!

And Before that, a Republican that set the wheels in motion for big
deficit spending. And so on and so on...

Been waiting for you to weigh in on this one Steve.

You are 100 percent correct.

Nothing occurs in a vacuum, and life is a continuum. Democrats make
mistakes, and so do Republicans. As time goes on, the groups don't stand
still. They morph and change until some of the old definitions gert a
little muddy. So called conservatives now stand for big government with
more power, and spend money quite easily.

We soon found out just how "nice" a measly 4% inflation rate was. The
initial 90 day freeze turned into around 1000 days of "adjustments" that
soon saw the inflation rate at 13 percent in December of 1974. The rate
dropped after that, but what was handed to President Carter was an
economic train wreck, to put it mildly. This all culminated in an
inflation rate of 15 percent in March of 1980.

The Wage and price freeze was what turned me into an fiscal


Now, was that a "leeberal" mistake?

And the last President to have a balanced budget...?!?!

You see Steve, you're trying to put everything into this Republican
good/Democrat bad state.

I'm not either. I'm an independent conservative. I vote for Republican
candidates around 60 percent of the time. Frankly, both parties **** me off.

But you might ask why I seem to be busting Republican chops a lot. It's
because the Pubs have been in power for most of the last 50 years, and
increasingly so in the last 20.

And yet, the blame for all the problems is heaped variously on the
Democrats, and the elusive "liberal".

I say spend less time blaming, and more time fixing.

But of course that takes us back to what I said earlier about
Republicans making mistakes too. Now if they owned up to them. It's a
pity - when you never admit a mistake, you won't learn from the ones you
do make.

- Mike KB3EIA -