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Old June 26th 04, 06:46 AM
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Default UPLC on BPL: ignore armchair amateurs who still use vacuum tubetransmitters

Chris wrote:

The United Power Line Council (UPLC) just blew the ARRL's comments to
the FCC out of the water. No wonder the Chairman of the FCC sees hams
as "throwbacks to an earlier age." Read the UPLC comments at

And their statement, "armchair amateurs that still use vacuum tube
transmitters" shows their stupidy and ignorance. First, only a very
small percentage of amateurs use vaccum tube transmitters, and second,
it what does that have to do with the problem of BPL interference, which
does exists even if the idiots at UPLC says it dosen't. As far as the
FCC chairman, he wouldn't know a transistor from a doorknob and is
probably just waiting for BPL to get rolling so he and other top FCC
officials can move on to cushy, high paying, do nothing jobs in the BPL
industry as payback for pushing this crap down our throats.