"Keith Hosman KC8TCQ" wrote in message
I went up and worked with the Fulton County club(K8BXQ) for Field Day.
Man I think I got bit by the DX bug, worked 20 meters all the time I was
operating, until about 4:30 (EDT) AM this morning(Sunday). Worked a few
alaska stations, a few stations in the Virgin Islands, tried to work a
Hawaii station but he was working a huge pileup. But the icing on the
cake was Christian 3D2EA in Fiji, wow that amazed me, Shelby WA8FVT was
on the mic for this contact, but it effected me just the same.
I am forever hooked, and now have even more incentive to upgrade come
hell or high water heheh.
Go for it. Field Day is a blast. You might also enjoy other contests
throughout the year. There are the International DX voice and CW contests
(I got Iceland on the latter one year). I'm not sure of the dates though
but check the ARRL website. The 10 meter contest in December nets a lot of
good DX too.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE