"Ryan, KC8PMX" wrote in message ...
"Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote in message
Subject: Field Day Plans?
From: "Ryan, KC8PMX"
Date: 6/24/2004 11:20 AM Central Standard Time
Will be running KC8PMX on 50Mhz-450Mhz bands.
I was thinking a shorter call would help, but I ran those phonetics
my mind a couple times, and "PAPA MIKE X-RAY" seems to me to be rather
It's not too bad, although I wished I would have gotten a different call
when originally assigned. I might purposefully go for the vanity call of
K8KEA, just to be a pain in the ass because our club call is W8KEA. hi hi
Can't we all just get along?
Decided to run on my own as a
matter of passive resistance to the local club's field day planner.
day is supposed to be an emergency preparedness scenario, and there is
nothing close to that from what I see of the plans locally here.
How's that, Ryan...??? Too much of the picnic-in-the-park thing?
No, just a kind of passive resistance thing. I seriously do not agree with
the person who is our field day planner and club vicepresident. I am not
the only one boycotting the club field day either.... It has been chosen
solely by him to be placed at one of the high schools out in the county (as
opposed to the city) where there is little traffic on the weekends (passing
by the school that is).
Let me guess. He's an Extra?
Field Day should be at least 50% PROMOTIONAL as well as 50% emergency
simulation. Since it is not an actual emergency simulation since we all
clearly know when it is going to be, AND of course get to chose where we set
up, just how does that qualify as emergency planning/communications. Yes
there is the PREPLANNING but on our fire department we dont get to know when
our next medical call or car accident or house fire is, we just respond and
deal with it as best as we can.
Should be points for real emergency locations rather than setting up
at KOA.
In a real emergency, we may be required to set up in an area less that to be
desired, such as a parking lot. Or an open field without those natural
antenna supports..... Also, we would not normally know when that emergency
would occur.......
Maybe, at least if it was changed to where we DO know the weekend it is
gonna be, BUT each countie's EC/RO or emergency services director decides
the location??? I still believe that the PR value of Field Day far
outwieghs any other aspect of field day.
Elevate this idea to ARRL. County EC selects operating locations.
Keeps secret. Makes the assignment 2 hours before test starts.
Extra points, of course.