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Old June 28th 04, 07:25 PM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

"Chris" wrote in message

And you are changing the subject in typical ****head fashion. The
inescapable fact remains that CERT - people who collectively know more
about security than you ever did in your best times - has recommended
that IE be DROPPED.

They didn't say anything about operating systems.

They didn't say a thing about anything other than Internet Explorer,
but like the ****head you are, you are going to stubbornly cling to
your religious icons, including IE, and so you change the subject.

And it IS a religion, ****head, because there is no logic at all
behind ignoring all of the security experts.

99% of all zombied machines were zombied through IE and OE security
holes - many of them YET TO BE FIXED BY MICROSOFT! And you worry
about obscure holes elsewhere?

If the dam is broken, ****head, you patch the biggest hole first
before you tend to the little leaks. The biggest hole has been
identified by CERT and by TechTV, and yet you rattle on about all of
the little holes you imagine you can see, while ignoring the giant

Truly, that's a ****head response.

No wonder the net is going to hell. It's full of ****heads who think
the way you do.

I am *not* changing the subject. There are a *ton* of security holes in
other software too - including Real Player and others.

If everyone changed to Linux, you can bet the virus and worm writers would
be writing most of the stuff for Unix systems.

As to CERT .... that is where I am getting my information about all of those
other "secure" systems and browsers. The fact remains that Internet
Explorer, Outlook, and Outlook Express are popular, thus the huge number of
viruses written for them - not that they are more or less secure than other
browsers. If one keeps a firewall in place, anti-virus in place,
anti-spyware in place, updates them daily, and *uses* them properly, one is
as protected as one can be.

BTW, please ZBM-2. I suspect I'm dealing with someone with a very modest
double-digit IQ here.

With all due regards,

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