Field Day Plans?
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June 28th 04, 09:14 PM
Len Over 21
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In article ,
Robeson K4CAP) writes:
Subject: Field Day Plans?
Date: 6/28/2004 11:20 AM Central Standard Time
"Ryan, KC8PMX" wrote in message
It's not too bad, although I wished I would have gotten a different call
when originally assigned. I might purposefully go for the vanity call of
K8KEA, just to be a pain in the ass because our club call is W8KEA. hi hi
Can't we all just get along?
"WE" can.
You and your mentor are the one's bantering in baby-babble.
Poor nursie imagining things again. Must have day off in
nursieland and nothing to do.
"Short-talk" just style for quick communication. Like "CW"
abbreviations...which, when written verbatim, look like
childish almost-gibberish to anyone. Tsk. That statement
offends nursie? Too bad. Is true. Been so long time.
Nursie want no age limit on ham radio license? No age limit
now. Why Jimmie argue and diss on age limit suggestion of
five years ago? No real reason. Nursie and Jimmie wanna
do FIGHT over newsgrope suppremacy?
Nursie babble stuff on aerospace in other thread. Nursie not
understand mass ratios, specific impulse, planetary system
characteristics like "Lagrange Point." Nursie big on emotion,
short on smarts. Nursie work in aerospace? Think all simple,
big boondoggle? Nursie nuts, no knowledge or experience in
spaceflight, just wanna-be ace in military-sounding civil air
Nursie should TRY to listen to those with more knowledge
than he. Nursie doesn't do that. Nursie overrides dumbness
with EMOTION writ large. He thinks will-and-idea will conquer
all problems, not understanding that emotional desires don't
mean squat to physical world.
Typical, when nursie confronted with ANY opposition, he gets
angry, yells and disses without thinking problem through. When
others make fun of yelling and sissing, nursie goes berserk.
Not normal behavior. Nursie have sick-iatry credentials? If so,
he not recognize his own aberrant behavior. Tsk.
Should be points for real emergency locations rather than setting up
at KOA.
What KOA had a Field Day set-up?
Matters not. Field Day always touted as "emergency exercise"
by League. Seldom so. Most have field day in park, do CONTEST
FUN. Real emergencies no fun. Hypocrisy of League saying FD
is "emergency exercise."
Kampgrounds Of America (KOA) is a combination trailer park and
motel for those with RVs. Some have parkland adjoining, some not.
Not in midst of urban centers. City park better. Central. Easy to
get to to hold CONTEST. Field Day is really a contest thing. Admit
it, be man.
Nursie now goes into rage saying bad things of those not considering
Field Day to be patriotic thing, showing how ham radio is ready for
all emergencies! [predictable] Nursie gets offended to the max at
others not touting hum raddio as super patriotism, homeland security,
etc. Nursie get fruitcake.
Elevate this idea to ARRL. County EC selects operating locations.
Keeps secret. Makes the assignment 2 hours before test starts.
Well, well...Brain manages an idea that doesn't insult anyone and
actually has some merit.
Put THIS day on the calendar!
Snarl, nursie, snarl. Nursie manages to sneer insults at others
with ideas. Good boy. Sic 'em.
Nursie have problem playing well with others. He demand all others
think like him. Not think like nursie? Bad. Do ethnic cleansing,
using scrub brush of nastygrams, mean dissing and cussing.
Nursie wanna commit all who not think like him. Nursie think
he sane. Probably not. Old fruitcake.
Not good
for hum raddio. Nursie not learn what means
phrase "let it be."
Temper fry...
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