BPL - UPLC ->Repeat the lie three times and claim it for truth
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June 29th 04, 12:54 AM
Len Over 21
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Robeson K4CAP) writes:
Subject: BPL - UPLC -Repeat the lie three times and claim it for truth
Date: 6/27/2004 8:36 PM Central Standard Time
In article ,
Robeson K4CAP) writes:
It was the early 70's when Detroit and the others really started
That was the era of the Gremlins, the Mavericks, Pintos and Vegas.
Yep. The main reason was simple: Detroit hadn't made the necessary
in basic R&D. They knew how to make big heavy inefficient cars but not small
efficient ones.
My point exactly, Jim.
We need to move the technology of our space program out of the 70/80's.
Is science and exploration market-driven? I think not.
[Docktor Weiner von Brawn personality of nursie acting up...]
1. The subject title doesn't involve spacecraft, space travel, or
von Brawn's PhD dissertation on What To Do About NASA.
2. Von Brawn want unreliable man-rated space stuff with men
on board? Not good. Nursie not get to ride in spaceship,
only imagines himself hero astronaut.
3. Nursie count all failures of rocket flight. Begin with
Peenemunde. Von Brawn must know, was member
VfR (Verein fur Raumschfahrt)? Nursie go to White Sands,
then Cape Canaveral, see allatime boom-boom there before
Mercury. Spectacular. Reliability very hard work. Nursie
not do that work. Nursie shout orders MAKE WORK! All
pop-to when nursie shout. Nursie big noise.
4. First man on moon almost didn't make it. Neil was in
command on the Gemini that had a stuck-open 100-pound
(222 Newton) thruster made by Rocketdyne. Nursie ask
von Brawn personality what that mean. Nursie goona say
I "cut-and-paste" but no, see film copy from Gemini soon
after recovery okay, FAST roll-rates two degrees freedom.
Neil in "flying bedstead" next, lunar lander trainer. Loses
control at about 200 feet, has to punch out (simulator have
ejection seat with zero-altitude rocket motor). Was okay
but bit tongue in process. Armstrong quit NASA soon
after Apollo 11 recovery. Good idea. Stay alive.
5. Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) has strap-on computer
for thrust, thrust vector controls. Intense vibration, almost
impossible to believe levels next to engine. Minneapolis-
Honeywell design, make computer. All original parts now
obsolete for pin-pin replacements but very reliable computer.
Rocketdyne had to work for replacement, difficult, reliability
test very costly. Computer have same design architecture
now as 30 years ago, basic stuff. SSMEs (3 in each STS)
not cause of Challenger or Columbia fatal accidents. Nursie
and von Brawn chorus together I "cut-and-paste from web"
on that. Not so. Was working at Rocketdyne, touched SSME
on test stand at Coca site (very small for 350 Kpounds thrust),
was at test firings in blockhouse at Santa Su. (Santa Su be
Santa Susannah Field Test Laboratory of Rocketdyne)
If we continue to set our sights on LEO, that's all we'll ever do, save for
occassional cutsie-robot pushing sand around and drilling a whopping 6 inches
into the soil. THERE was a waste of money.
Basic science "waste of money?" Why nursie say that?
Ben Franklin quote on such things, "What use is a newborn baby?"
Nurse have personality talk to Ben, ask same. Report back.
Mars NOT "LEO" (Low Earth Orbit). Nursie or some personality
fruitcake if think so. Nursie check almanac get figures for
They didn't accomplish anything
that on-orbit RADAR and spectral imaging couldn't accomplish.
Nursie go to Pasadena, talk to JPL team responsible. Ask
questions, get von Brawn personality to present alternate data.
Nursie think JPL receptive to suggestion? Think again.
JPL security will put nursie outside quick. Fruitcake display.
But it looked cute on CNN.
Nursie think all space things "show biz?" Nursie more fruitcake.
Brits at Mars first, fail in landing. Unknown reason. Yanks next
with bouncy balloon lander idea. Works. Both times. Look crazy
but science and much testing proved concept viable. Lots of good
data gathered by both robot explorers so far. Nursie not
understand? TS. Nursie go learn about space, then put keyboard
on safe before shooting it off in here.
How far to Mars, nursie. Wanna do QSO with Martian? Can use
VERY slow morse since two-way time very long. Nursie see
almanac, figure out radio wave travel time. Nursie can do math,
figure path loss, needed power at Tx, needed sensitive at Rx?
Long distances. 1 KW RTTY FSK with dish antenna work okay
(calculated 50 years ago by George O. Smith, engineer and
author of "Venus Equilateral" story series). Nursie argue with
JPL still? Not good.
JPL helped do radar imaging of Venus over three decades ago
from earth. Very LOW resolution return, hardly worth trouble, only
proved possible. Earth to Mars distance close to that. JPL know
how to do space things better than nursie.
Nursie do post-graduate science study via CNN? Not best. Too
bad NASA channel programs cut back a few years ago. Channel
may be "defunct" now. [favorite derisive nursie word is "defunct"]
Mercury defunct. Gemini defunct. Apollo defunct. Skylab defunct.
tsk. All worked. All got data. Basic data not available before.
Nursie sneer and smirk at basic science data?
Maybe STS soon defunct? So be it. Nursie not help Mercury,
Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, or STS (Shuttle Transport System) or
any unmanned space mission. Nursie blabber on like Big Expert
but not know basics. Big mouth. Defunct brain.
Nursie go to Clear Lake (suburb of Houston), take MSFC tour.
Sundays best, not need guides. See museum of "defunct"
vehicles, capsule, real moon rocks. Get rocks off? Nursie get
in argument with NASA folks, sneer, yell at them, diss and curse
them, examine Texas hospitality for visiting fruitcakes. Not good.
Nursie go argue with Ben Franklin about newborns. Have fun in
nursieland with imaginations. Nursie stay out of real world.
Temper fry...
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