BPL - UPLC ->Repeat the lie three times and claim it for truth
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June 29th 04, 01:39 AM
Len Over 21
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(William) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
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Robeson K4CAP) writes:
Subject: BPL - UPLC -Repeat the lie three times and claim it for
(Len Over 21)
Date: 6/26/2004 1:52 PM Central Standard Time
Nursie work in aerospace? Or just spaced out?
Nursie looney? [looney rhyme w/Clooney, ER hero...]
Nursie disconnect dots, tell tales of coincidence of time nursie
got first car? Nursie not happy?
Nurise automotive expert? Nursie are radio god, superior to all
inferiors (those not in hum radio)?
Nursie be maverick gremlin? Have a pint'o at happy hour? Need
trip Vegas to tell all about radio? Must be. Nursie know all, hate
many. Not good. Vein ready for pop. Vroom, vroom.
Shush, nursie, shush. Nursie not have mind neutralized, go into
parasitic oscillation, not good for final. Final at any time, vein
ready to pop.
Temper fry...
The following post was published by an allegedly college educated
"professional" engineer.
One who claims to have worked "in the aerospace industry".
No wonder NASA is down two shuttles.
Nursie have new personality! Weiner von Brawn.
Nursie big name aerospace, be purchasing agent at set-top box
maker less than half year. Very important. Knows all about
electronic engineering. Good job, Weiner!
He bwame shuttle disaster on you. He delerious.
Blame-tossing never-did-any-space-work nursie would have had
a total orgasm with early spaceflight days. So many go boom.
Nursie laff and laff at NASA folks, all dummies. Nursie feel very
smart when laffing at others. That pump up Weiner von Brawn.
Nursie know all about BPL, OFDM, technical stuff on method of
moments. Very schmardt. No sign of Comments on docket
04-37 from nursie. Nursie have depression too?
Docket 04-37 on the BPL NPRM now has 1,554 Comment on
ECFS. Many are multi-page filings (ARRL has 5 attachments,
ARINC has 3). Docket 03-104 on the BPL NOI is now at 6,108.
That's over 7500 filings on BPL alone.
Nursie and Jimmie wanna talk about space and economy, be
big gurus on What To Do. No talk about BPL. BPL gonna be
death of noise floor on HF if approved. Not matter. Nursie and
Jimmie live virtual lives on HF in here, be big shots with high
words on non-amateur subjects. Not understand. This not
private chat room for national politics, science, economics, or
space flight. Must figure that their extra class will work right on
through all QRM. Class will tell. Class dismissed.
Nursie got lots hate, angers, repeat lines often. Obsession by
nursie. Nursie can't do field day, must be on-line to hate, hate,
hate "enemy." Bad nursie, bad. Tsk.
He hate Dr. Soos. He no like Horton Who. He no like Whoville.
Million and million of kid in America grow up with Dr. Soos. But
noooo. He no like.
While not expecting to, I did get a chance to see the actual,
working Whoville vehicles made for the movie. Peterson Auto
Museum in L.A., just off Sunset Blvd close to La Brea. Four
floors of cars. Most interesting "Cars of the Stars" exhibit.
Three-four years ago.
Of course, not mentioning hum raddio will turn on the mean
diss and curse side, nursie and jimmie lecturing on newsgrope
subjects...while they go merrily on with politics, economics,
science, and spaceflight. :-)
He no like The Who. Who no like Who? Who?
Him, dat who.
Wonder what he think Jimmie Who?
Amazing wonder that the anglophile didn't mention "Dr. Who," a
so-called Sci-Fi series from the UK. Very tongue-in-cheek in
places but not science. Just fun. Jimmie no like?
Nursie not speak of BPL. BPL not aerospace where he
Dock-torr. (physics pun)
He wan turn me in to Da Athorities! He say he make call and cause
trouble. Like make threts. He forget dey close all insane psyllums
and people hap no place cept under bridge or stinky shelter. He mean
man and he forget histerry.
Hate people.
Obsessive-compulsive psychosis manifesting itself in rage and
sociopathy. [Psych 101 at El Camino for undergraduate
required engineering major credits in California of 1959] Nursie
gonna mention my wife on that, say I "cut-and-paste" from her
books. Wife only had MSci in Education then, would get MSci
in Social Work later, work for state of Illinois. Wife's old school
books destroyed by water damage while in storage in Washington
years ago. Nursie MUST diss wife if I write something. Nursie
fruitcake, all nuts with hate.
Nursie hate, hate, hate. Nursie angry. All posts must kill all
enemies. Destroy enemies. Way of hero hostile action ham.
He yell and yell alla time. He have sigh Kologee problem. He
speshally hate someone say that. Sorry.
Compulsive-obsessive psychosis syndrome known a long time.
Nursie need all kinds certificates and licenses to show proof of
that but still nutso to anybody else.
Not good
for ham radio.
Temper fry...
Dip him in tempura batter. He almost done.
Don't think will work. Butter turn rancid on dipping. Bad taste.
Have bad taste of nursie in here. Not good. Ptui.
This not amateur radio subject. No problem. Only other hum
raddio talk is all about field day. Field day nice outing in park,
fun. Not emergency training if scheduled years in advance.
Real emergencies not scheduled.
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