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Old July 1st 04, 11:53 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: BPL - UPLC -Repeat the lie three times and claim it for truth
From: PAMNO (N2EY)
Date: 6/30/2004 7:13 PM Central Standard Time

You're avoiding saying how many more tax dollars you're willing to pay.
the bottom line. People are all for all sorts of things until it comes time
pay for them. Then they scream bloody murder about being ripped off.

I point blank said earlier that I didn't have all the answers.

Then understand that you can't have everything you want for free.

From an AOL news link:


(IRT the Cassini Saturn mission)

The orbital insertion came after two decades of work by scientists in the
United States and 17 nations. The $3.3 billion mission was funded by NASA, the
European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency.


Which in English means the United States paid over $3B for this and Italy
got some press as being involved in space exploration. No doubt in exchange
for our continued use of Aviano.

Cudda used THAT $3B right here on Earth too...

OR...Cudda built two new shuttles with spares.

OR...Cudda funded a LOT of lead-in research to a new lunar program, right
ehre "in the neighborhood". Chances are unless we stumble on to warp drive,
man will never get any closer to Saturn than those robots.

Steve, K4YZ