But will the BPL give the Pactor something else to
grab hold of? I do not know - just asking. My
radio station goes into a briefcase and the
computer does not have a sound card, or would be
able to figure out what to do with it if it had
one. It is a R/S TRS 80 Model 100. It can handle
packet, I don't know about other digital modes.
Into the brief case goes: FT817, Paddles, R/S DSP
unit (I know it ain't great, but it helps),
MFJ259, Small Tuner, Crappie Dipole, Super Antenna
MD-1, R/S Computer, KAM 3, Solar Panel, Coleman
Jump Battery. Have Station will travel.
73 es cul
a Salty Bear
"W5DXP" wrote in message
WB3FUP (Mike Hall) wrote:
Actually only the morse operators will have
half a
chance of operating if the BPL goes through.
need the least amount of signal to be able to
Actually, PACTOR II gets through when I can't
even hear
the CW ID signals.
73, Cecil http://www.qsl.net/w5dxp
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