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Old July 9th 04, 06:22 PM
Steve Stone
Posts: n/a

And if this is a business for you a good businessman would roll up their costs into the
price of their products adjusting for what the market will bear +/- selling based on
demand to get rid of the junk as a loss leader and sell the stuff that moves at a profit.

Haggling has always been part of sales.

Would you walk into a car dealership and pay sticker price ?

I wouldn't get bent out of shape over haggling.

I would get out of the business if it were not profitable.

Seems to be a big market these days for well trained bomb sniffing dogs.


In article W%xHc.780$TT2.321@fed1read01, says...
Well I have some products to sell at conventions, meets etc.
First is the cost of getting there with today's gas prices $40 to $60
Second For out of town meets there is hotel rooms, food, etc $170 +
Third the booth cost is way too high can be $300
Fourth Advertising is $35 to $100
Fifth hams are cheap -- one guy offered me half price for a book -- I asked
him which Chapter he wanted (;-)

The last convention I went to -- sold 50 products -- barely broke even
Ain't worth the time and effort
Lamont Cranston

The Shadow Knows
"LA Runabout" wrote in message