In article , Mike Coslo writes:
Len Over 21 wrote:
In article , Mike Coslo
My guess is that it would come from electrolysis at hydropower or more
likely Nuc power plants. Dunno if it would be done at the same sites
where desalinization would (*will*) be happening. (welcome to your
future, California!)
Of course there will be environmental issues, such as what to do with
all the salt. Another biggie is that seawater electrolysis tends to
produce chlorine instead of oxygen:
Hard to argue that chlorine wouldn't be a pollutant. The anti
environmentalists might even agree on that one!
and using seawater is probably pretty important, because....
Who on earth is going to want to give up their fresh water? The left
Those snarled-at "left coast" people designed the first stage
rockets for Apollo. The "left coast" people designed the SSMEs
that push shuttle.
Who's snarling? People need water, and yer going to run out sometime,
unless the water sources decide to keep up with population growth. Since
it's unlikely that the present sources are going to expand, that leaves
desalinization. And in the content of what I'm talking about with Jim,
it isn't likely that the left coast is not going to want to give up
whatever fresh water they have.
Where's the "left coast" you are talking about?
What has water and desalinization to do with either the space biz
or amteur radio policy? [answer = nothing]
Hardly likely! They are the ones that are going to be surviving
on electrolysis in the future.
"Left coast" people are getting electrolysis treatments to remove
unwanted hair? I think not.
Try removing the internal hair and the left-brain, right-brain
thinking when talking about the coastal regions of the UNITED
States of America.
Washington, Oregon, and northern California have plentiful water.
East coast? We're so variable here, and
population is eventually simply going to limit fresh water supplies.
Washington, Oregon, and California are all on the WEST coast.
Alaska and Hawaii have lots of coasts, are more WEST than the
What has that got to do with amateur radio policy?
Note: The FCC does NOT regulate water.
BPL = Broadband over Power Lines, NOT over water lines.
No answer? Stymied for a Ham Chat Room comment? :-)
And just as I don't like biofuels, I think that using a substance that
people depend on for their lives like food and water means that some
terrible choices might have to be made in the future.
Put simply, if it isn't seawater, it isn't going to happen.
Are you one of those dihydrogen monoxide extremists?
Water you talking about? 8^)
Water ya have?
Take that to the dihydrogen monoxide conspiracy newsgroup.
Leave the space business stuff to the industry experts, like those
two who have already pontificated aplenty on How To Do Space
without having any space biz experience. :-)
Taken under advisement. Now I think I'll go back to discussing this
with Jim. Feel free to jump in the conversation any time if you like.
Jimmie don' lak no diss-cushion with non-hams. He walking wounded
from past diss-cushions. Tsk, tsk.
Jimmie don' wanna tawk 'bout BPL. He guru, big noise in grope.
Tawk all 'bout anyting else, millions of words. :-)
Jimmie got "new ideas?" Not so. Jimmie can't even stay on the
general subject of amateur radio. :-)