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  #10   Report Post  
Old July 10th 04, 01:49 PM
Posts: n/a

Personally, I believe Amateur Radio Licenses should cost $75 per year for
regulatory fees and the Commission should elimanate testing. I also believe
that is how it will eventually be in the near future.



"Burp not Burr" wrote in message

"Minnie Bannister" wrote in message
The fee for a Vanity Call will rise on August 6 from $16.30 to $20.80.
This is for a 10-year license.

Doing the math, that comes out to about $2.08
per year, or 0.0057 CENTS per-day over the
course of a 10-Year period...........

How much do you wanna bet however that the
average traditionally el-cheapo ham radio operator
will ****-and-moan like a stuck pig over a 0.0057
Cent-per-day fee...??? (my guess is alot will !)

For example, I was selling at a hamfest in Pa last
month. Had a shoebox full of miniature tubes for
$1.00 each. A real bargain considering tubes are
going for much more on e-Bay. This putz comes
walking up, digs thru the box for 2 minutes and pulls
out *one* tube and wants it for 35 cents. I was willing
to let it go for 75 cents but he wants it for 35 cents.
No deal. He puts it back (tosses it) and gets all
smart-ass saying "you'll sell it to me later for 35 Cents."
The schmuck comes back 1/2 hour later digs it out
and asks for it for 35 Cents again. I say OK, offer to
wrap it, he hands it to me and while he's reachin for his
35 cents, I dropped the tube on the ground and smashed
it with my trusty Nike, then told him I changed my mind
and wanted $1.00 for it. This putz goes completely nuts saying
he's looked all over 4 hamfests for this tube and he
couldn't believe I smashed it. Jumpin up and down like a looney
and me quietly hoping he would have a stroke right there
as he must have weighed 300 pounds. A real "Eddie Slobbo"
fer sure - baaaaaa hahahahah!! I just laughed and offered
him a pleasant balance of the afternoon.

After he left the dealers either side of me were almost teary-eyed
laughing at the spectacle of this event, and we each shared a Pepsi
from my trusty Coleman cooler and had a nice late-lunch at the
pizza hut afterwards.

El-Cheapo hams....always too much FUN to pass up
the opportunity to poke'em-with-a-stick thru the
monkey bars !! : ) : ) : )