Vanity Call fee going up in August
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July 10th 04, 09:49 PM
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(William) wrote in
Alun wrote in message
. ..
"me" wrote in
Personally, I believe Amateur Radio Licenses should cost $75 per
year for regulatory fees and the Commission should elimanate
testing. I also believe that is how it will eventually be in the
near future.
"Burp not Burr" wrote in message
"Minnie Bannister" wrote in
message ...
The fee for a Vanity Call will rise on August 6 from $16.30 to
$20.80. This is for a 10-year license.
Doing the math, that comes out to about $2.08
per year, or 0.0057 CENTS per-day over the
course of a 10-Year period...........
How much do you wanna bet however that the
average traditionally el-cheapo ham radio operator
will ****-and-moan like a stuck pig over a 0.0057
Cent-per-day fee...??? (my guess is alot will !)
For example, I was selling at a hamfest in Pa last
month. Had a shoebox full of miniature tubes for
$1.00 each. A real bargain considering tubes are
going for much more on e-Bay. This putz comes
walking up, digs thru the box for 2 minutes and pulls
out *one* tube and wants it for 35 cents. I was willing
to let it go for 75 cents but he wants it for 35 cents.
No deal. He puts it back (tosses it) and gets all
smart-ass saying "you'll sell it to me later for 35 Cents."
The schmuck comes back 1/2 hour later digs it out
and asks for it for 35 Cents again. I say OK, offer to
wrap it, he hands it to me and while he's reachin for his
35 cents, I dropped the tube on the ground and smashed
it with my trusty Nike, then told him I changed my mind
and wanted $1.00 for it. This putz goes completely nuts saying
he's looked all over 4 hamfests for this tube and he
couldn't believe I smashed it. Jumpin up and down like a looney
and me quietly hoping he would have a stroke right there
as he must have weighed 300 pounds. A real "Eddie Slobbo"
fer sure - baaaaaa hahahahah!! I just laughed and offered
him a pleasant balance of the afternoon.
After he left the dealers either side of me were almost teary-eyed
laughing at the spectacle of this event, and we each shared a Pepsi
from my trusty Coleman cooler and had a nice late-lunch at the
pizza hut afterwards.
El-Cheapo hams....always too much FUN to pass up
the opportunity to poke'em-with-a-stick thru the
monkey bars !! : ) : ) : )
You're crazy if you beleive that. I could see the vanity call fee
eventuallly getting that high, but the rest of your prediction is way
Alun, are you saying that its the vanity people that require them most
regulatory attention, and thus should pay more?
No. How could you get that from what I said?
All I am saying, if I have to spell it out, is that there is absolutely
zero probability of theory testing being abolished and not much more
likelihood that fees will be reintroduced for other than vanity calls.
And furthermore, a $75 fee is not in the least likely to reduce bad
behaviour on the air.
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