"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message
"Jeff B." wrote in message
Dee D. Flint wrote:
"Jeff B." wrote in message
Dan/W4NTI wrote:
At least it isnt about Broadband over Power Lines. Gee ... do you
the FCC is finally seeing the light?
Doesn't matter if they see the light, the FCC is a sock-puppet to the
commercial interests of the Bush administration.
It really wouldn't matter who was in power. Wasn't it under the
administration, for example, when significant chunks of spectrum were
auctioned off to commercial interests?
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE
Doesn't mater if they see the light, the FCC is a sock-puppet to the
commercial interests of the Bush^h^h^h^hsitting administration.
You missed my point. It would be just as bad no matter whose
it was and no matter to what party they belonged. If it were a Gore
administration, they'd be just as much a sock puppet to the commercial
interests of that administration.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE
All true...unfortunatly the REAL problem is the lack of basic, let alone
engineer level, knowledge to even understand what is going on with BPL.
Politics aside.....ain't it a real pity that the FCC has no concept what
they are doing with this BPL crap? No one in the right mind would have let
this get out of the first meeting.
As for the Bush administration pushing this. I think the real situation is
some low level gofer with his computer knowledge decided this is a 'good'
thing. Then he got someones ear to push it at the Prez.
Look at the way the NTIA back peddled.....they came on strong against
it...then all of a sudden they are going backwards. Politics...pure and
It is up to us and ALL THOSE it trashes to put on a sustained attack against
this BPL. If we don't we are stuck with it.