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Old July 12th 04, 03:38 AM
Phil Kane
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 11 Jul 2004 20:11:05 -0400, Mike Coslo wrote:

Wow Phil, thanks for the in-depth answer!

Yer welcome.

Whereas I think that some outfits were unfortunately affected the
ruling makes sense. What one person thinks is meritorious, won't
necessarily be so for the next person.

A couple of years later, some space cadets at NASA's Goddard Space
Labs near Washington DC persuaded the Commission that retransmission
of NASA communications to and from the space shots on an amateur 2-m
frequency was in the public interest even though it clearly violated
the black-letter rule. "Oh yes", the nabobs replied, and so amended
the rules. Myself and two other colleagues whose hobby was chasing
and photographing railroad trains tried to get the same retransmission
permission for the comms which we monitored in OUR hobby, and we were
told "shut up and play"....

Life isn't always fair....

73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane