On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline ...
From: "D. Stussy"
Date: 7/10/2004 3:10 AM Central Standard Time
On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
At least it is directly pertinent TO Amateur Radio, BY a licensed
Amateur IN an Amateur Radio forum.
But still a guidelines/charter violation nonetheless.
99.99999 percent of the "stuff" that transpires in this NG is NOT related
to Amateur Radio, or is related only by virtue of the fact that the author is a
licensed Amateur.
YOUR only reason for fussing about this is that Bill Pasternak has hit
some sensitive chord with you, and you don't like it. Oh well...Take an
I don't see you "protesting" any of the "ENLARGE YOUR !@#$%" spam, or the
"MAKE MONEY FAST" spam, nor do I see you protesting any of the "SEE MY TEEN
WIFE !@#$%^" spam.
Like ANYONE can do anything about the spam problem nowadays?....
NONE of that is even REMOTELY related to Amateur Radio, yet where's
Dieter's outrageous indignation about THOSE "guidelines/charter
SO? That just means that I chose to put my resources where I CAN accomplish an
end to the violation....
I reiterate my previous assertion: It's directly pertinent TO Amateur
Radio, BY a licensed Radio Amateur IN an Amateur Radio forum. Much of what is
in Bill's "news releases" IS pertinent to Amateur Radio policy
discussions....And certainly MORE pertinent than most of the other stuff that
transpires here.
All I can say is that what ever Bill did/said that got you in such a
wedgie must have hit pretty close to home! You're obviously still stinging
from it!
1) I have not made it any secret what he has done to one of my associates by
misreporting the story he was involved in. 2) If newsline is supposed to be a
"non-profit" operation then why is BP practically LIVING off of the donations?
There are laws that govern what "reasonable compensation" is for a non-profit,
and he's exceeding them, as I have previously demonstrated.