What I have done is presented a situation where lumped circuit
theory totally falls apart as it does in physically large mobile
loading coils. That's one reason that distributed network theory
was invented.
Flat Earth thinking equates to using lumped circuit theory for
applications where it simply doesn't work.
73, Cecil, W5DXP
As you well know 19th century electromagnetic field [EMAG] theory has been
supplanted by
modern 20th century quantum electro-dynamics QED, just as EMAG supplanted
the circuit
theory of the 18th century, and QED is "lumped" *not* "distributed".
Hey... give it up man! Distributed is passe...
Even the latest Scientific American has an article on "Loop Quantum Gravity"
the latest *lumped*
physical theory, where the final three holdouts for the continuum and those
discredited *distributed*
theories, i.e. gravity, space, and time itself [i.e. Einstein's celebrated
20the century theory of general relativity]
are now found to be "lumped" and are in fact comprised of purely discrete
quanta. Time is not continuous or distributed but proceeds in tiny steps
measured in Planck times of 10^-43 seconds. Space is also quantized
in chunks of cubic Planck lengths of about 10^-99 cc's. See: Lee Smolin,
"Atoms of Space and Time", Scientific American, January 2004, pp. 66-75.
Quanta and lumps rule!
Peter K1PO
Indialantic By-the-Sea, FL
[counting grains of sand on the beach today... :-)]