Xmtr Riot
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July 17th 04, 12:02 AM
Len Over 21
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(William) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
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Robeson K4CAP) writes:
Subject: Xmtr Riot
Date: 7/14/2004 6:07 PM Central Standard Time
"Stanley R Worthingshead" wrote in message
South Carolina Hooters girl Ashley (not real name) told a news reporter
last Saturday night between 50 to 70 overweight white men descended on
the Hooters where she works.
"Our male customers scream for food & drink and like to gawk, but this
particular crowd was clamoring for something called a Hidden
Ashley said.
Unknown to Ashley, her boss, Hooters manager Zak R Hogslooker (not
real name) WA4???, a local ham radio operator, had planted a hidden
transmitter on the premises of the Hooters.
That's cute. And it's beleivable.
It's almost as "beleivable" as "I operated from Somalia" and
devices play a major roll in emergency comms"......
Haven't seen anything to back those stories up, either....
"Sorry Hans, MARS IS amateur radio!" Hi hi ho ho
"NOAA IS Amateur Radio!"
Stevie da Stalker did "seven hostile actions" in da military. Hi hi
The Barstow Supply center for the USMC is a "combat
training area!" Ho ho hi hi.
Sigh. Post-traumatic stress disorder at its very finest, displayed
for all to see in the delusional hate-filled psychosis syndromes
of the Stalker.
His clerk buddies probably gave him seven blanket parties for being
such a whacko. That and his stenciling was crooked.
I heard his stencilling improved. He went to a corpsman and got
stencililian shots after one of the "hostile actions." :-)
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