Thread: Famous Hams
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Old July 17th 04, 02:15 PM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Lumushahs" wrote in message
From: n2ey

Also, some of the people on the list may not be hams.

No, they're all hams.

Maybe, maybe not.

Don't assume that they
all are. Just because they have a call sign does not mean they are


Yes, it does.

One can still like radio (amateur or professional), and not be a

"Amateur radio operator" and "ham" mean the same thing.

Perhaps in a limited view. Or it may be an attempt to limit other people's
options. By declaring there is no other options, these other amateur radio
amateurs (must) subsrcibe to the ham culture.

From: Fred Garvin

Just because they have a call sign does not mean they are "hams",

Ummm, yes it does.

One can still like radio (amateur or professional), and not be a "ham".


So all people with a call sign must like to be called "ham", worship morse
code, love contests, hate CBers, and believe all things that are "ham"?

Some people do not identify with those things, and have their own


There is no requirement, formal or informal or otherwise, to follow any
particular, so-called culture. The term "ham" is, and has been for
approximately 100 years, a term meaning amateur radio operator. One hundred
years ago, there was no CB and there were no contests. Morse was a
necessity but hams were working diligently on better transmitters and
working towards developing voice transmissions. When the term was coined,
none of the factors that you list were pertinent and some didn't even exist.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE