Subject: Famous Hams
From: (Lumushahs)
Date: 7/17/2004 6:46 AM Central Standard Time
From: n2ey
Also, some of the people on the list may not be hams.
No, they're all hams.
Maybe, maybe not.
No maybe...No maybe not.
If they have an FCC form 600 with thier name and an Amateur callsign and
class of license
Don't assume that they
all are. Just because they have a call sign does not mean they are "hams",
Yes, it does.
One can still like radio (amateur or professional), and not be a
"Amateur radio operator" and "ham" mean the same thing.
Perhaps in a limited view. Or it may be an attempt to limit other people's
options. By declaring there is no other options, these other amateur radio
amateurs (must) subsrcibe to the ham culture.
Not, they don't.
From: Fred Garvin
Just because they have a call sign does not mean they are "hams",
Ummm, yes it does.
One can still like radio (amateur or professional), and not be a "ham".
So all people with a call sign must like to be called "ham", worship morse
code, love contests, hate CBers, and believe all things that are "ham"?
Vipul, you're a bigot of almost immeasurable proportion if you think that
those things you just described are what define "Ham" radio.
Some people do not identify with those things, and have their own interests.
No kidding...?!?! You think some people really have thier OWN ideas of
what they want to take away from Amateur Radio...?!?!
Were you born this way or is it the culmination of a life long
Steve, K4YZ