Famous Hams
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July 18th 04, 12:19 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a
Subject: Famous Hams
Date: 7/17/2004 5:06 PM Central Standard Time
N2EY wrote:
If they hold a valid amateur radio license, they're hams. By definition.
There is no such definition.
Sure there is, albeit not in Part 97.
You won't find Police Officers refered to as "cops" in municipal or
"official" documents, but if you say "cops", everyone knows who you are talking
(William) replied:
Just reviewed Part 97. I must have missed it. Kindly direct me to
the proper paragraph.
Thank you. You are correct. There is no mention of the word "ham" in Part 97.
There's also no mention of "Vipul" in Part 97, but you're a Ham too,
Vippy. Live with it.
Steve, K4YZ
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