Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline ...
From: "D. Stussy"
Date: 7/17/2004 8:45 PM Central Standard Time
On Mon, 12 Jul 2004, Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline ...
You've only demonstrated that you're PO'ed at Bill Pasternak.
...And if you knew how he, at best, twisted the truth, or at worst, outright
lied, then you wouldn't trust him either. The specific case I cite is of
historical record in this group. I was not personally involved, but do know
the parties who were - and the truth of their stories.
So far all I have seen is your side of this, and not much else. I do know
Bill...we're not exactly "old drinking buddies", but neither do I have any
reason to doubt HIS sincerity or honesty.
If you want to make your point, why don't you either document your
concerns to the FCC or the IRS, since they are the two most likely agencies
have an official opinion on the matter...
Lastly, the federal tax codes allow for a percentage of "charitable
donations" to be used for administrative (eg: salaries) purposes. I've met
Bill Pasternak and I dare say he's sharp enough to have made sure that his
finances are TDC with the law.
Unless you can prove differently...?!?!? (My bet's on "PO'd
more than valid complaint)
You don't have to tell me what the IRS allows - remember that I used to BE a
"revenuer." The only way for "newsline" to have expenses exceeding
after comparing their operations to that of others like "RAIN" and "TWIAR" is
if BP is paying himself a salary that is at least 50% of that amount - much
more than what he is representing to the public. I haven't gotten around to
pulling his form 990 yet (via a request on form 4506-A), but we already know
what we're going to find there....
We "KNOW"....?!?!
No, "we" don't.
You've been whining about his posts here for over two years now Dieter and
I haven't seen a single thing that indicates that you've done anything BUT
whine about it.
Nor do I think it would be a wise idea on your part.
You will note that it's no secret that I have done a form 990 search on one
the local amateur repeater frequency coordination organizations a few years
ago, and upon finding no filings (yet a collection of "dues" from members),
asked the NFCC to decertify them. This was in addition to their failure to
even acknowledge coordination applications filed with them or act on any (any
action - acceptance, denial, or even receipt). That particular group has
become a bit "more responsible" to the public since then....
Be careful about what you suggest - you may get it.
Then all you will have done is proven that you were right and I was
wrong...the world will go on. I would say "Gee, Dieter, you were right". I
might even send you a gift certificate for dinner on me...
So far all I see is your personal dislike for Bill Pasternak.
However if he WERE investigated by the IRS, these archives could be used
to validate a personal vendetta by you against him...Since you seem to "know it
all" when it comes to IRS policies and procedures, I assume you ALSO know what
recourse Bill could have should it be proven that you tried to use the IRS as a
source of intimidation against him, don't you...?!?!
Additionally, there is no legitimate purpose for him to post his entire
transcript weekly. Those who want to read it will go to his website where it
exists and don't need it here. To post it here (instead of merely posting a
link to it when it is revised each week) is SPAM - and YOU KNOW IT.
It is NOT spam, Dieter.
The content IS relevent to Amateur Radio practice AND policies, therefore
is absolutely pertinent to this forum.
If you don't want to read it, skip over it. When I open my newsreader I
can see the thread title, and if it's obviously spam (the aforementioned "SEE
MY TEEN WIFE..." kinda crap), has anything to do with N0VFP, AB8MQ or
"Twistedhed", I simply mark ir "READ" and that's that.
Good luck making your case. If I were asked to render an opinion on the
matter to a federal investigator, you know how I'd vote.
Steve, K4YZ