Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline ...
From: "D. Stussy"
Date: 8/9/2004 1:18 AM Central Standard Time
On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Lloyd wrote:
Then tell me why he won't come out here and set the record straight?
He obviously knows about this newsgroup and reads it - and even posts at
once per week here.
"He" doesn't do the posting. It's distributed to an address book.
He won't come out - because he knows that I'm correct.
"He won't come out" for reasons OTHER than "know(ing) that (you're)
He doesn't "come out" because he won't lend any recognition to your
rantings, Dieter.
If you WERE correct, you'd just go right ahead and publish the information
or turn over your "evidence" to the proper authorities.
Your SOLE purpose in pursuing Bill Pasternak is to get into a peeing
contest over issues that no one except you deems valid enough to discuss in ANY
You will find that
not the only person who has this opinion of him and his finances (but I may
the only one who has voiced it).
You are making this up as you go, Dieter. You have no "facts" upon which
to justify your allegations.
If you have some "facts", publish them here and impress us with just how
dilligent and "correct" you are in this matter. Otherwise, you're just ranting
and raving.
I lean towards raving.
Steve, K4YZ