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Old August 11th 04, 03:57 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Amateur_Radio_NewslineT_Report_1407_=AD_Jul?=
From: (Quitefine)
Date: 8/11/2004 6:34 AM Central Standard Time

In article ,

(Len Over 21) writes:

Poor baby. Unable to understand that your behavior in here is NOT

Acceptable to whom?

If Lennie didn't write it, it's not acceptable...And even then, it may not
be acceptable when the tone of the conversation changes. IE: "I am going to
get my Extra Lite out of the box". He's since insisted that wasn't REALLY what
he meant, and continues to make excuses for not being able to successfully do
what gradeschoolers have done.

So far, you managed to write direct insults to both myself and Brian.

So far, you have written direct insults to almost everyone
who posts in this newsgroup. You sometimes claim they
are "humour" but they are not funny.

They aren't insults if they are true.

You've charged Brian with pederasty and homosexuality.


Perhaps it was meant to be humourous.

Oh no...Only Lennie and Brain may write hurtful, demeaning or otherwise
untruthful or derogratory "jokes" and be expected to be written off as
"humour"...The rest of us are "sociopaths"...

insulted his wife and family. You've insulted myself and my wife,
alleged that I've had no education and that my wife got her two
Masters not from the University of Illinois but from some mythical
correspondence school.

You've done that to others - and much more.
What goes around comes around. You can
dish it out but cannot take it.



Lennie expects to be treated in a manner that he determines, but that when
the treatment HE doles out is fed back to him, then it's problematic.

As for his wife's alleged psych degrees, I can't beliee a woman with that
kind of (alleged) education could be married to someone who manifests all of
the abberant behaviour that Lennie does and allow him to go on the way he does.

You've insulted my service record and pride
in military service (despite being given the proper title and MOS) and
made non-detailed allegations of work conduct from unspecified

You've done the same thing, to people with and without
military and government service.

Of course he has.

IE: "Dill Sergeant" "Murine Corpse", etc etc etc.

And of course we have archives with Lennie's lame attempt to embellish his
own military service with the sacrifices made by Soldiers who were KIA three
years before Lennie was IN the Armed Forces.

Then there was the time Lennie said HE handled "1.2 million messages"
at his posting in Japan...

Of course we are STILL faced with the issue that his MOS, which he wails
about others allegedly misrepresenting, was as a maintenance person. Was he a
radio operator or a maintenance tech?

And please note Lennie is verrrrrrrrry defensive about HIS "title(s)", yet
he continues to fabricate some thing about "rank, title and privilege" claims
allegedly made by Amateurs.

More of the "Do As I Say..." routine.

In addition, you have insulted other people's education,
gender, ethnic background, geographic location,
amateur radio license class, age, religion, ARRL
membership, Morse Code skills, and various
other attributes. Even when they have not insulted
you at all.

All too true.

One of Lennie's unsubstantiated claims is that the ARRL is "dishonest".
He's accused the organization in general and some members inparticular. We've
pressed him like cheap grapes to validate that claim, but it too languishes on
the pile of unanswered questions.

And Lennie has repeatedly claimed that he does not treat with disrepsect
or diminutive terms those who don't so the same to him, yet almost any post he
makes that references Jim Miccolis, N2EY, calls him "Jimmie", "Rev. Jim, and
others. However I have never seen Jim refer to him as anything by "Len"...

In other words, you've not only insulted both Brian and
myself but you've gone off the deep end into LYING behavior.

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery. You have led the way into those areas,
yet you are angered when someone flatters you
for setting the example.

But it's not lying if it's true.

Leonard's track record in this forum more than substantiates most of the
claims I have made about him. I don't need to do "anything"...Lennie just
launches into another tirade and does it for me. He's more predictable than
Halley's Comet.

We think you should examine your own behaviour.
It contains everything you find unacceptable in others.

The same goes for Mr. Burke.

Too true.

This newsgroup isn't some amusement park shooting gallery where you
can plink off nasties to your heart's content.

That is a very good description of your behaviour here.
Why is such behaviour acceptable for you and Mr. Burke
but not for others?

"Do As I Say But Don't Do As I Do".

It is filled with folks who
really want to discuss issues

You do not appear to be one of those people

Lennie is well known for chastising people for deviating from "the
subject", yet one does not have to look far or hard to see he is "all about"
perpetuating threads that have nothing to do with the "Morse Code test issue".

and some of those folks CAN shoot back
when personally insulted!

Then why do you personally insult people who try to
discuss issues? Even when someone does not
insult you, your replies are full of insults.

Why is that?

I have already fielded my theory on this...Two, really...The first is that
Lennie is more impressed with his own "contributions" to radio than his
"professional" colleagues were, and lashing out is a normal thing for him.

Although I have no proof of it, I am willing to be his "patent" was the
work of many others, and it was only through some skillful paper shuffling that
his name and his name only appears on the patent. How much you want to bet if
we find some folks who worked with him THEN they would express some remorse at
having ever been in the same room with him?

Some personal discussions with former colleagues of Lennie's in Warminster,
PA, tend to support this theory. His performance there was lackluster, so say
the least.

The other is that, having failed to get the recognition he thought he was
due from his "professional" colleagues, Lennie entered the Amateur Radio arena,
certain that his "superior intellect" would be immediately recognized and
revered as the God of Radio Knowledge he perceives himself to be...

In as much as THAT didn't happen, Lennie lashes out at us for having not
given him his due...

Most of us have far more "ammunition" than
you've ever acquired.

Then why not discuss the issues? Without
the insults? People have tried to do that
with you, but after a few postings you
resort to various insults and untruths rather
than civil discussion. You attack the person
rather than the message.

Because his issues without the hype and harrassment are pretty thin.
Transparent, actually...

Lennie's one and only "justification" for his position is that "the
military doesn't use Morse Code any more so Amateur Radio shouldn't."

It's been an uphill march trying to get Lennie to realize that this forum
is about AMATEUR Radio...Not 1950's Army radio...Not PLMRS...Not commercial
broadcasting or software engineering.

We wonder at your real purpose here.

His EXACT words were "I am only here to civilly debate the Morse Code test

As you can see, there's a LOT he says but doesn't live up to.

It's been a lifelong trend.

Steve, K4YZ