"KØHB" wrote in message

K4CAP/K4YZ wrote: (about license fees)
I think fees in the $25/year range would not be inappropriate.
So let's take a poll:
Q1: If it cost $250 (plus testing fees) for a 10-year license would you
have become a new amateur radio operator?
--- or ---
Q2: If it had cost $250 to renew your license each time over your ham
radio career, would your license have lapsed by now?
Here are my responses:
Q1: Not a chance.
Q2: When raising a family, spending $250 on a discretionary avocational
item would have been out of the question.
73, de Hans, K0HB
Q1: If it had cost $250 for the 10 year license when I first entered ham
radio, I probably would not have done so for I had no basis to determine
whether the activity would appeal to me. Initially, it was just something
that I did to participate in my husband's interest (now ex-husband).
Q2: I would have renewed but complained loud and long about it. Having
learned that ham radio was something that I actually like, I would not give
up my license for anything.
Since entering ham radio, I've belonged to my local club in the various
areas that I've lived, became a VE, taught upgrade classes, participated in
special events, entered contests, been a club officer and many other
activities. Both I and the clubs to which I've belonged would have missed a
great deal if that first license had been $250.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE