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Old August 13th 04, 05:06 AM
Posts: n/a

That doesn't even make sense - if that is true. Charge MORE for Emergency
Services? That is one of the key reasons FOR Amateur Radio........
Something stinks there.........


"KØHB" wrote in message
August 12, 2004 06:11 PM EDT

Gettysburg, Pa (API)

In a surprise announcement today, FCC Chairman Michael Powell released
preliminary news of a new "user fee" based revenue system for amateur
radio operators. "This exciting initiative, suggested by a leading
amateur operator and jumpsuit model (photo at,
is designed to raise funds to subsidize the deployment of BPL service
throughout America, but especially in disadvantaged places like Franklin
County, Tennessee."

Details of the plan are not complete, but the fee structure will be
based on actual on-the-air use of amateur radio, and will be sensitive
to the value of the communications in progress, according to the
Chariman. "As an example, emergency communications during a hurricane
would be billed at a higher rate than less valuable usage like the North
Carolina Lumbago Net." Powell remarked. "Contesters would get special
high volume discounts, since their communications simply repeat the same
old stuff over and over all weekend long" he stated.

Fees will also vary based on the particular mode in use, with CW being
charged a premium rate because "it get's through when nothing else can".
Video modes like SSTV, however, would command super-premium rates
"because a picture is worth a thousand words" the Chairman said.

In a related family announcement, Chairman Powell's father, Secretary of
State Colin Powell, stated that the IARU would be contacted to ensure
that foreign DX operators communicating with US stations would be
assessed fees based on their 'rarity' on the DXCC "Most Wanted" listing.
Secretary Powell cited an alleged operation from "T5" which he expected
would owe "several tens of thousands of dollars" retroactively based on
claims on an internet newsgroup by an operator with the screen name
"Billy Beeper".

Stay tuned for further details. Movie at 10.
