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Old August 14th 04, 11:09 AM
S. Hanrahan
Posts: n/a

On 02 Aug 2004 13:40:06 GMT, (Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote:

Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline ...
From: "D. Stussy"

Date: 8/2/2004 4:04 AM Central Standard Time

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004, Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
Subject: Amateur Radio Newsline ...

If you want to impress anyone with the validity of your claims,

and file the official complaints with the California AG, the IRS, the FCC,

ASPCA, or the International Brotherhood of Who Gives a Dang. This is an
UNMODERATED Amateur Radio newsgroup, and as much as you may disagree with

the overall content of ARN's releases ARE related to the intent of it.

PERSONAL angst with Bill is NOT!

I will make this final post on the topic:

In other words, you have no intention of backing up your allegations...

Just as well...I think you'd wind up having to eat them anyway.

He sees fit (whether properly or not) to post his weekly script here.

Because this is an U N M O D E R A T E D newsgroup ABOUT Amateur Radio.
Many if not most of his "posts" have information DIRECTLY RELATED to Amateur
Radio POLICY, Dieter.

He's under NO REQUIREMENT from the FCC, Congress, you or I to get ANYONE'S
permission to do it!


Do I need to buy you a Webster's, Dieter?

Why won't he come out and defend himself by disclosing where the finances of

really go?

Defend himself against WHAT? You? Your shot-in-the-dark allegations?

He certainly knows that he has been challenged on this issue; all
he has to do is read the posts.

And he's under WHAT obligation to read your grossly biased and obviously
baseless accusations?

If you want to "challenge" him, Dieter, GO TO COURT!

I say you're wrong and I think he's got a better-than-average case against
YOU for your bashing and allegations!

We know that he does as the Internet
newsgroups may lead him (and his competitors) to stories sometimes before
sources do.

My answer: Because he knows that I am correct and he doesn't want to expose
his operation by commenting or responding.

What's to respond to?

If you HAD the evidence for the allegations you keep making, you would
have (or should have, as a concerned citizen), filed a complaint with the
appropriate agencies. The IRS takes very dim exception to organizations who
abuse thier tax-exempt status...You might even get a reward.

You haven't, which leads me to believe you're just huffing and puffing.

My opinion is not alone. I have asked some of the other operators in my
including one who runs a radio school (not Gordon West), and they know of no
information that would refute my conclusion. Granted that BP may not have
burden of proof, but I have made a prima-facie case based on what information
is in the public knowledge.

You have nothing.

You make allegations based solely upon your personal angst against Mr
Pasternak, and YOU know that if you filed a sworn complaint you'd wind up in
trouble yourself. THAT is as transparent as glass.

Either ante-up some sort of valid, documented proof, or just admit you're
barking at the moon.

Steve, K4YZ

I'd love to see Dieter forego this case. It may be the single most
generous donation Pasternak has gotten to date since he went on the

Stacey, AA7YA