The hidden bugaboo in the BPL equation is that they will have to run
fiber *almost* to the house, then break it out to put it on a HV
powerline before sending it to your house. In practice this means that
in addition to the signal going to your house which needs to isolate
that HV from your computer and the rest of your household items, at the
same time, that fiber will be going past your house.
If they have to run fiber down your street, they might as well do wi-fi
instead of BPL. The "modems" for BPL and wi-fi would cost about the
same, and wi-fi would offer better and faster service. And wi-fi
is in production so why bother with BPL? It maybe some dopey legal
thing in that only the cable company or phone company is allowed
to string fiber and set up wi-fi, thus the power company can't do
anything unless they run the signal over the power wires somewhere
to the customer. But it would be better and cheaper to find a legal
work-around for this (or just bribe someone.. ;-) ).