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Old August 22nd 04, 05:26 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a
Default Back At Ya, Brain.....

Subject: ARS License Numbers
From: (William)
Date: 8/21/2004 3:04 PM Central Standard Time

Steve, you're merely a short, chubby, frustrated, middle-aged, sick,
uniform seeking has-been who has been off his medications for far too
long to return to a normal life.

Hmmmm.....I'm 5' 9" and 195. For a person you allege to be "short, chubby"
and "sick", I fall well within what Docs would LIKE to see at "my age".

So much for YOUR assessment skills, eh?

As for my "meds", I am curious as to what you think they are, in as much
as they are nothing more than anti-inflammatories and some occassional Zantac.
All OTC.

Not bad for a fella nearing 50.

And you never have responded to my offer to go jogging with me. You made
fun of it, though, so I will just assume that you were trying to bark loud
enough so no one could see you cowering.

Jim Miccolis offered to take me up on a run, though. Offered to go
farther than I'D care to go!!! =)

And I love that "...uniform seeking has-been.." line! Guess I REALLY have
your panties in a knot!

Why not try Lennie's tact and come at me with "Dill Sergeant" and

You'd be just as (in)effective.

You've suffered agonizing personal
loss, and with it much of your humanity.

Au contraire! Bug's passing only opened my eyes to greater things in
life. One of them is appreciating truth and the fullness of life that it

A lesson I see you have yet to learn. In time, Brain.

Apparently as a result of your pain...(SNIP)

And you know WHAT of any pain you think I suffer?

you lie incessantly...(SNIP)


(UNSNIP)...lack self-respect....(SNIP)

Better look again.

(UNSNIP)...make insane statements and accusations...(SNIP)

Such as....?!?!

(UNSNIP)...and make an ass of yourself in the name of
Amateur Radio, the Civil Air Patrol, and the Military Affiliated Radio
System. You embarass them and you embarass amateur radio. You
embarass yourself but don't seem to notice.

Oh, I don't mind a bit of personal embarassment, Brain. It's when you
lose that ability to objectively look at yourself that you REALLY lose
yourself. Take Lennie for example...Poor fella lost sight of objectivity
decades ago and NOW look at him...Pandering in a newsgroup for an avocation
that he's not a part of...and for what...???

Also, I have never invoked official opinion of any of the entities you
name above. All my opinions are clearly my own. I challenge you to provide a
link to a post wherein you accuse me of speaking "in the name of" ANY of those
entities other than myself.

As for "lying", Brian P. Burke has got some real brass cajones alleging
the telling of mistruths!

I have responded to your abuses with a civil tongue for far too long.

No you haven't. You've been quite a creep. Right in Lennie's shoes.
Snug fit, too.

You now reap what you sew.

Here's where more fun begins...(thanks for the opportunity, Brain...)

When you can respond civilly...(SNIP)

I go out of my way to not use profantity to make my points, and do so in a
clear, concise manner. You and your mentor do not.

(UNSNIP)....using my correct name...(SNIP)

WHICH "correct name, Brain...?!?! "William"...?!?! "BillyBeeper"...?!?!

YOU can't decide what your "correct name" is, so why do you insist anyone
else should?

(UNSNIP)...and without calling me a liar...(SNIP)

Don't lie and you won't get called a liar. If someone accuses you of being
a liar, then present evidence to the contrary.

(UNSNIP)...a penis...(SNIP)

I've never called you a "penis", Brain. I even doubt you have one, but
that's just a guess based upon the character of your posts here...

(UNSNIP)...a homosexual...(SNIP)

I never called you a homosexual.

I HAVE stated that it's my belief that Lennie's got his hand stuck up your
backside to make your mouth move, hence my nickname of "PuppetBoy" for you.

(UNSNIP)...or a child molester, you will receive civil replies in kind.

Like YOU would know what a "civil reply" is, Brain?

I thought we had a couple weeks of that a couple months ago...then as soon
as Lennie revisited the room after a short respite, you launched right back
into the same old song and dance...So PLEASE don't insult anyone with the
suggestion that YOU represent a hallmark of "civility", Brain...It doesn't

A public
apology is warranted as well, but I can forego the apology if I see
you making real progress.

You're due no apolgy, Brain...Not by me anyway, so if you're holding your
breath, you may go ahead and exhale now. Yellow's more your color...not blue.

You aren't the avenging angel of amateur radio...(SNIP)

Nope...Just repeatedly pointing out how you and your miscreant "mentor"
take your own liberties with civility and truthfulness.

You do, afterall, provide me with more than a fair share of opportunities.

(UNSNIP) ...and you have no right to expect that your behavior is acceptable

in any forum.

I see.....

It's OK for YOU to lie, antagonize, misrepresent your identity and other
well known material facts, but you take an opporutnity to suggest MY
"behaviour" is not accpetable...?!?!

! ! !

Until you're well, you're not worth responding to.

Still waiting on you to provide that documentation of training or
education in whatever discipline of healthcare it is you think that you're
qualified in to render a diagnosis, Brain.

As for what YOU consider "worth responding to", I am sure you're getting
tired of having YOUR nose rubbed in YOUR newsgroup cowpies, so I don't blame
you for making excuses for distancing yourself from them.

No reply is needed, Brain...I'll just point out your dirty laundry when
you hang it and sit back and snicker...(kinda like I'm doing over most of THIS

I guess you're
happy enough not being responsible for your actions.

My posts are signed with at LEAST my first name and Amateur call, Brain.
Love them or hate them, I put my name behind them.

In THIS forum that's about as "responsible" as one can be.

I see that YOU, on the otherhand, continue to make excuses for not signing

I can understand a bogus "addee" for spam control.

Not signing "Brian, N0IMD" at the bottom, however, is just cowardice and a
complete lack of self respect.

Best of Luck on your road to recovery.

Since I am not taking a trip, perhaps we should give YOU a map, Brain.
You seem to be the one who is lost. Need a compass, too?


Auf Wiedersehn.

Steve, K4YZ