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Old August 22nd 04, 09:07 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

(Jim Hampton) wrote in message
(William) wrote in message
"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message

"William" wrote in message
PAMNO (N2EY) wrote in message
In article ,

(Brian Kelly) writes:

"KØHB" wrote in message
"N2EY" wrote

- No CW-only subbands

There never have been any "CW-only" subbands on HF.

That's true - but there should be!

Odd, when I was first licensed I could only use CW on 80, 40, 15, and


Wonder what kind of subbands those were?

General class and higher licensees can also use the FSK data modes

Thus they are not "CW only."

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Now tell me about the Novices.

I don't believe the question was about license class; it was about the
HF amateur spectrum. In that case, there is no exclusive CW anywhere
on HF. On VHF, of course, there is.

73 from Rochester, NY
Jim - AA2QA

Jim, for a whole class of licensees, there absolutely were CW Only
subbands. And if my memory serves, higher class licensees had to
abide by the mode and power restrictions.

Where's Miccolis with his ham history cliff notes?

I could post exerpts of ARRL-reprinted FCC rules from their 1976
Handbook...showing that there were (!) "CW-only subbands on HF."

Problem is, Rev. Jim would immediately misdirect, point out flaws
in my character and repeatedly chant "Incorrect! Incorrect!"