Back At Ya, Brain.....
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August 23rd 04, 06:22 AM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
Robeson K4CAP) writes:
Subject: ARS License Numbers
Date: 8/21/2004 3:04 PM Central Standard Time
Steve, you're merely a short, chubby, frustrated, middle-aged, sick,
uniform seeking has-been who has been off his medications for far too
long to return to a normal life.
Hmmmm.....I'm 5' 9" and 195. For a person you allege to be "short,
and "sick", I fall well within what Docs would LIKE to see at "my age".
Sorry, nursie, but you are looking at the WRONG medical charts.
195 is too heavy for that height.
As for my "meds", I am curious as to what you think they are, in as much
as they are nothing more than anti-inflammatories and some occassional
All OTC.
Official Transcendental Concoctions? :-)
You have inflamations? Tsk.
Not bad for a fella nearing 50.
Tsk. 51 years ago I began working REAL HF communications.
Big time.
Where was nursie then?
And you never have responded to my offer to go jogging with me.
Oh, wow! An "offer" to "go jogging!" How fun!
How fun to travel over 400 miles and be away from a family to
"go jogging" with the great nursie! :-)
And I love that "...uniform seeking has-been.." line! Guess I REALLY
have your panties in a knot!
Are YOUR panties all olive-drab color?
Nursie hasn't posted a picture where she ISN'T wearing a uniform.
Why not try Lennie's tact and come at me with "Dill Sergeant" and
Poor NURSIE. Complain, complain that others just don't like the
PCTA Double Standard in here. Tsk.
Au contraire! Bug's passing only opened my eyes to greater things in
life. One of them is appreciating truth and the fullness of life that it
Weird. Wired. "Truth" to nursie is anything HE believes to be
you lie incessantly...(SNIP)
"Seven hostile actions..."
"Sorry, Hans, MARS IS amateur radio!"
Nursie claims he can "call authorities to have anyone committed"
because of some idiot idea of professional qualifications.
[it's a very long list...]
Oh, I don't mind a bit of personal embarassment, Brain. It's when you
lose that ability to objectively look at yourself that you REALLY lose
yourself. Take Lennie for example...Poor fella lost sight of objectivity
decades ago and NOW look at him...Pandering in a newsgroup for an avocation
that he's not a part of...and for what...???
Not "pandering."
Just showing that the morse code test for a radio license is old, tired,
worn-out, and just something that a few can do to make themselves
artificial "big men" in amateur radio.
Tsk, tsk. I've spent over a half century in a radio-electronics career,
as a working professional. Nursie has remained an amateur. Tsk.
As for "lying", Brian P. Burke has got some real brass cajones alleging
the telling of mistruths!
"Seven hostile actions..."
"Sorry, Hans, MARS IS amateur radio!"
Nursie claims he can "call authorities to have anyone committed"
because of some idiot idea of professional qualifications.
Nursie never LIES? Tsk, tsk, tsk.
I go out of my way to not use profantity to make my points, and do so in
clear, concise manner. You and your mentor do not.
Well heck and darn, gunnery nursie, don't get such a snit.
Continue to accuse boy scout leaders of being pederasts and
molesters of young boys.
Continue to label the University of Illinois as a "correspondence
school." And the same with Beloit College, University of Wisconsin
at Madison, and so forth.
Continue with your "non-profane" comments about "having a head
up the ass of another newsgroup enemy."
Continue to make scatological remarks against others, then try to
bring in their spouses, family, etc.
Heck and darn.
YOU can't decide what your "correct name" is, so why do you insist
anyone else should?
Manufacturing an "issue." Tsk.
Why hasn't nursie gone on more about "Quitefine" even though that
pseudonym has been outed in here?
Don't lie and you won't get called a liar. If someone accuses you of
a liar, then present evidence to the contrary.
"Seven hostile actions..."
"Sorry, Hans, MARS IS amateur radio!"
Nursie claims he can "call authorities to have anyone committed"
because of some idiot idea of professional qualifications.
Nursie needs to provide EVIDENCE of all his LYING first... :-)
I've never called you a "penis", Brain. I even doubt you have one, but
that's just a guess based upon the character of your posts here...
"Putz" is a Yiddish pejorative standing for penis.
You CAN verify that. And, you HAVE called both myself and Brian
that many times!
I never called you a homosexual.
You've never called him a heterosexual, either. :-)
You've come close to assexual.
I HAVE stated that it's my belief that Lennie's got his hand stuck up
backside to make your mouth move, hence my nickname of "PuppetBoy" for you.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. "Clear and concise manner!" :-)
Poor baby. Can't handle opposing opinions so you resort to pejoratives.
Almost every time... tsk.
Like YOU would know what a "civil reply" is, Brain?
I thought we had a couple weeks of that a couple months ago...then as
as Lennie revisited the room after a short respite, you launched right back
into the same old song and dance...So PLEASE don't insult anyone with the
suggestion that YOU represent a hallmark of "civility", Brain...It doesn't
Tsk, tsk, tsk! Incorrect comments by poor, offended nursie.
Brian Burke did very good on his own in here WHILE I was gone.
[it's archived in Google...:-)]
Poor gunnery nurse, veteran of "seven hostile actions," just can't
take return fire one bit.
Poor nursie really suffers when shot at in newsgroups. It's everyone
ELSE's fault, never his! :-)
You're due no apolgy, Brain...Not by me anyway, so if you're holding your
breath, you may go ahead and exhale now. Yellow's more your color...not
Nursie be ham radio Avenging Angel (if not a god of radio)!
All get nastygrams from nursie for having opposing opinions to
nursie's god-like beliefs! :-)
You aren't the avenging angel of amateur radio...(SNIP)
Nope...Just repeatedly pointing out how you and your miscreant "mentor"
take your own liberties with civility and truthfulness.
Tsk. PCTA extra Double Standard still at work.
PCTA extras can say anything and it is ALWAYS civil and truthful!
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