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Old August 23rd 04, 07:17 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(Jim Hampton) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

I could post exerpts of ARRL-reprinted FCC rules from their 1976
Handbook...showing that there were (!) "CW-only subbands on HF."

Problem is, Rev. Jim would immediately misdirect, point out flaws
in my character and repeatedly chant "Incorrect! Incorrect!"

Nope, I wouldn't do that. I re-read the thread. Nothing said about
CW only *now*, the question is "never was". In that case, there
certainly was CW only sub-bands (at least I'm pretty sure). The
novice portions of the bands when I was a novice in 1962 were portions
of 80, 40, and 15 meters (there was 2 meter phone available back then
for novices). Novices were crystal contol only and all amateurs were
limited to 75 watts *input* in the novice bands (but higher class
licensees could use VFOs). I don't recall at all where rtty was
permitted, but not in the novice bands. The only 'digital' modes
would have been cw and rtty. I do wish I had the old handbook from
1960 however. Lost that once I went into the service in January of
1967. Gawd, I wanna cry when I think of the *tons* of QSTs and 73s
that I got rid of at that time .....

Back in '76 the ITU and FCC were still using "A1, A2, F1, F2..."
designations for emissions. [was 28 years ago]

Bringing back the old, obsolete technical terms isn't too hard
(but why innaheck do that) and a simple one-page scan of one
page of band designations with modulations would prove it all.

But, lotsa folk in here wanna argue the Whichness of the What
in a flame fest of minutae. Nonsense activity.

No huhu on getting old copies of QST. ARRL sells them on CD.
ARRL also resells CQ's 3-CD set of all 22 years of articles of
Ham Radio magazine. Lots more solid radio information in HR
than them old QST hi-jinky reportings of past contests and glories
in (hah!) "radiosport." :-)

"Radiosport!" Like NBC would broadcast ANY of that! :-)

Beep, beep...