Back at Ya, NURSIE
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August 24th 04, 05:10 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
Back at Ya, NURSIE
In article ,
knuckleheaded CB Plusser with FALSE callsign K4CAP) writes:
Subject: Back At Ya, Brian.....
(Len Over 21)
Date: 8/23/2004 3:51 PM Central Standard Time
In article ,
Please remind us of your healthcare certifications, licensure,
education or training, Lennie...?!?!?
NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR electronics qualifications?
Over 30 years in Amateur Radio. Eighteen and an half in USMC Avionics.
That's all? :-)
NURSIE not work military communications on HF? Nope.
NURSIE not work commercial communications on HF? Nope.
NURSIE not work in REAL electronics engineering? Nope.
NURSIE not work national politics in USA? Nope.
NURSIE not work in aerospace business? Nope.
NURSIE not not do much except be amateur on HF Yep.
NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR military radio qualifications?
More than you. By a mile. You were nothing more than a radio mechanic.
That's ALL the evidence you have ever provided this forum. YOU were NEVER a
"military radio operator".
NOT "mechanic," Diminutive Man.
Fixed station operations and maintenance supervisor.
HF transmitter with 1 KW or more, dozens of them.
Microwave radio relay operations and maintenance supervisor.
Twenty-four voice channel 1.8 GHz terminals made by GE.
NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR civilian commercial radio
None. Not pertinent in an AMATUER RADIO forum.
But NURSIE KNOW all 'bout those, talk about them in bad terms!
NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR "hostile action" qualifications?
Not pertinent in an AMATEUR RADIO forum.
But NURSIE MAKE BIG BRAG of heroism in service! [but no dates
or other details, ey?]
NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR electronics engineering
department expertise (after spending less than half a year as a
purchasing agent in a set-top box maker) qualifications?
I didn't work for a "set top box maker", Lennie. The "company" I worked
for was a subsidiary. I was not an employee of ANTEC. You were told this
before, but still try to use it as a diminuitive.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Antec makes "set-top boxes." They say so, show so.
What, NURSIE do "volunteer work" for good of company?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR long career in commercial
industry in any other field of work?
Not pertinent in an AMATEUR RADIO forum, Lennie.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NURSIE make big brag noises in here about "ER," medical
"expertise," and ability to "call authorities to have newsgroup
opponents 'committed!'"
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NURSIE, please remind us of YOUR qualifications to read
federal agency documents and directives and then bluffingly
blurt "MARS IS amateur radio"?
Sorry Lennie, it is.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U.S. Department of Defense has directive saying what IS MARS.
NURSIE no like that. Poor NURSIE.
NURSIE, I've NOT had to "make up anything" about my military service.
Sure you have. You have repeatedly tried to bluff your way into a more
"robust" military career by trying to link your "service" at a rear area relay
station in Japan with the deaths of Army KIA's in Korea.
NURSIE weird and wired.
NURSIE want to make "LIARS" out of Department of Defense, United
States Army, National Archives and Records Administration, and the
Pacific edition of Stars and Stripes military newspaper!
NURSIE also want to make a "LIAR" out of the private Korean War
website...and anyone else who can truthfully prove things.
NURSIE need to talk to the Barkers and tell them, in no uncertain
terms, that ANY honoring of Korean War dead is "dishonorable!"
That in and of itself makes you a creep of unfathomable depth.
Psychological transference again. NURSIE look in mirror, try to
call others what she see in mirror. Tsk.
It's all on documents at NARA in St. Louis.
Not the parts you tried to push off on us here.
NARA has all my military experience documentation.
I am sure you are sorry you got caught doing it, but you did.
I'm rather sorry to encounter such a nutso as yourself...but life
is like that.
Now...tell us all about your military action heroism in those
"seven hostile actions!" Like dates and locations... :-)
Sucks to be you.
It's in the experiences of other hams such as Gene, N2JTV, who served
WITH me at the same time.
Too bad Gene didn't get a chance to read some of the cowardly crap you
pulled in here.
He still can if he bothers to look in from home in Long Island. :-)
I don't know why he would. Although he's been a REAL extra for a
long time, this forum's basic content is NURSIE shouting, hollering,
and yell-yelling at everyone else! As well as talking NATIONAL
wonderful subjects where the "qualifications" require high-rate
morsemanship? :-)
It's even in the Pacific edition of the military newspaper Stars and
Stripes, in their 10 November 2002 edition...including six photos
that I took.
Whoopie doo.
Two pictures I took wound up in Naval Air News and that has a far wider
distribution that PacS&S. So give me a Pulitzer.
You keep giving your opponents a "Putziler." :-)
So, you think the STARS and STRIPES military newspaper is
"second" in distribution? What a stupid idea. The "Stripes" is
published WORLDWIDE for ALL branches, ALL members and
their dependents. Some regions get to customize parts of it,
but not all of each edition.
The Pacific edition of the STARS and STRIPES is NOT called
"PacS&S." You should not try to make up military acronyms
without authorization.
So, what edition of the Naval Air News? Did that editon carry
an acco**** of one of your heroic "hostile actions?"
Neither my release from military service (as an E-5 sergeant) nor my
Honorable Discharge papers have anything about any "medical
release" conditions prompting any early exit.
And that has WHAT to do with your rantings in an AMATEUR RADIO forum,
It should show truthfulness...unlike a Medical Discharge person
suddenly making that discharge "honorable." As you did. Tsk.
I served, did my job, got promoted regularly, had an interesting
experience that sold me on REAL radio communications...which
led to a major career goal change that I followed.
And that has WHAT to do with your rantings in an AMATEUR RADIO forum,
NURSIE, try to learn this: I was NOT a "radio clerk."
Got that?
HF communications. Big time. More transmitters than you've operated
in amateur radio. More VHF through microwave equipment than you
will never operate in amateur radio. A half century ago. Never once
did I have to operate any transmitter with morse code on-off keying.
You don't get the picture, do you? A long time ago, the U.S. military
went away from morse code for fixed-point to fixed-point worldwide
networks. Morse was on the way OUT a half century ago. Now it is
almost absent, present only in the re-enactment of "pioneer days" by
hams who were never born in those pioneer days.
As for your "dishonor", it comes from your rantings in this forum wherein
you tried to embellish your own "career" by somehow trying to link it with
KIA's that occured three years and 300 miles away.
Poor baby. Still ANGRY that I was a part of something and proud of it?
Why do you think (deep in your psychosis) that HONORING members
of one's own unit is "dishonoring" anything?
If you wish to say that the National Archives and Records
Administration "LIE" then that's your crazy distortion of reality.
I don't dispute your alleged MOS or that you were in Japan,
Lennie...Not by a mile.
Yes you do. My MOSs (plural) were NOT "alleged."
Why do you keep on with that manufactured dispute? It has no
place in this forum.
What I "dispute" is your cowardly attempts to link that service with the
guys in Korea.
What is "cowardly" about HONORING members of the 71st Signal
Service Battalion? I was a part of that Battalion.
Do you HATE the U.S. Army that much that you keep on saying
HONORS due Army members are really "dishonors?" That's crazy.
You just have a hard time seperating THEIR sacrifice from YOUR rantings.
Oh, my. Still the HATEFUL NURSIE. Speaking the New English:
"Honor is really dishonor." Tsk, tsk, tsk.
No, quoting myself. You are a NURSE. You ACT like a DILL
(not "drill") can see your pursed lips as you shout
emotion-filled orders, sour of mind, trying to chew out those who
don't agree with your opinions.
One can only "see" those things, Lennie, because in order for your rants
to work for you you HAVE to believe that's true.
It's not. It's a loss of continuity with reality on your part.
Now you are saying you are NOT a nurse? Oh, my, deceiving us all
these years!
Tsk. All the readers in here can see you ACT the "dill sergeant,"
trying to be the ruff, tuff, high honcho NCO lambasting the recruits.
Poor baby.
Other than being obnoxious and antagonistic, you have no commitment to
ANYthing, and I think that's what twists your shorts most about Amateur
Radio...everyday people doing things that you somehow think only YOU are
qualified to do.
Awwww....feeling ANGRY again that whatever you do isn't rewarded
with High Praise and Everlasting Love? :-)
I'm not concerned with what anyone does in their HOBBY. If they enjoy
it, fine, more power to them. Enjoy, enjoy!
So, why is there a morse code test in U.S. amateur radio...a HOBBY.
Why are you so adamant about retaining it? That test is becoming
worthless, an artifact from a bygone era. Even the FCC said (publicly)
that it doesn't serve their need in licensing amateurs.
Pander: "1. a procurer, pinp; 2. one who helps others satisfy their
vices." [dictionary definition]
And that's exactly what you are doing.
Pimping yourself as the embodiment of radio gratification.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
More psychological transference by NURSIE.
Too totally demented. :-)
Seek mental health counseling for your ANGER and OBSESSION,
NURSIE. It will help you and all around you.
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