Back at Ya, NURSIE
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August 24th 04, 12:35 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
More than you. By a mile. You were nothing more than a radio mechanic.
That's ALL the evidence you have ever provided this forum. YOU were NEVER a
"military radio operator".
NOT "mechanic," Diminutive Man.
Fixed station operations and maintenance supervisor.
But never a radio OPERATOR.
HF transmitter with 1 KW or more, dozens of them.
But never a radio OPERATOR.
Microwave radio relay operations and maintenance supervisor.
But never a radio OPERATOR.
Twenty-four voice channel 1.8 GHz terminals made by GE.
Who cares if they were made by The Hand of God?
You were never a radio OPERATOR.
I didn't work for a "set top box maker", Lennie. The "company" I worked
for was a subsidiary. I was not an employee of ANTEC. You were told this
before, but still try to use it as a diminuitive.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Antec makes "set-top boxes." They say so, show so.
What, NURSIE do "volunteer work" for good of company?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wasn't an ANTEC employeee, Lennie. I worked for a subsidiary.
Sorry you have a problem with that, but have a good IS
at your own expense.
NURSIE want to make "LIARS" out of Department of Defense, United
States Army, National Archives and Records Administration, and the
Pacific edition of Stars and Stripes military newspaper!
NURSIE also want to make a "LIAR" out of the private Korean War
website...and anyone else who can truthfully prove things.
NURSIE need to talk to the Barkers and tell them, in no uncertain
terms, that ANY honoring of Korean War dead is "dishonorable!"
But you don't honor them, Lennie.
You try to USE thier sacrifices in order to make yourself look
better in THIS forum.
It's got nothing to do with the Department of Defense.
It's got nothing to do with the Pacific Stars and Stripes or any
other veteran's organizations or websites.
It's about Leonard H. Anderson trying to use the sacrifices of
Soldiers who died in combat three years before he was even inducted in
order to somehow glorify his otherwise lackluster Army service in an
Amateur Radio newsgroup.
That in and of itself makes you a creep of unfathomable depth.
Psychological transference again. NURSIE look in mirror, try to
call others what she see in mirror. Tsk.
It's all on documents at NARA in St. Louis.
Not the parts you tried to push off on us here.
NARA has all my military experience documentation.
It's not about what was documented 50 years ago Lennie.
It's about your misdeeds in THIS forum.
I am sure you are sorry you got caught doing it, but you did.
I'm rather sorry to encounter such a nutso as yourself...but life
is like that.
I am sure you ARE sorry to have encountered me.
Really sucks to try and pull off the silly stuf you do in here
only to have someone who KNOWS BETTER to derail it for ya...
It's in the experiences of other hams such as Gene, N2JTV, who served
WITH me at the same time.
Too bad Gene didn't get a chance to read some of the cowardly crap you
pulled in here.
He still can if he bothers to look in from home in Long Island. :-)
I don't know why he would. Although he's been a REAL extra for a
long time, this forum's basic content is NURSIE shouting, hollering,
and yell-yelling at everyone else! As well as talking NATIONAL
wonderful subjects where the "qualifications" require high-rate
A "real" Extra?
Sheesh, Lennie, I've had mine for almost 24 years now. Doesn't
get much more real than that.
Your friend couldn't have had his any sooner than 1982 or 83,
judging by the callsign. His is not a vanity callsign, so it was
issued sequentially. The sequential system was introduced in 1978. I
have no idea how quickly the 1x3 block in 2-land filled up, but I
think its safe to say that N2JTV wasn't issued before 1983 or later.
It's even in the Pacific edition of the military newspaper Stars and
Stripes, in their 10 November 2002 edition...including six photos
that I took.
Whoopie doo.
Two pictures I took wound up in Naval Air News and that has a far wider
distribution that PacS&S. So give me a Pulitzer.
You keep giving your opponents a "Putziler."
You deserve it. You earned it. It fits.
Rest of LennieRant snipped. SOS.
Steve, K4YZ
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