Back at Ya, NURSIE
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August 24th 04, 11:38 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
More than you. By a mile. You were nothing more than a radio
That's ALL the evidence you have ever provided this forum. YOU were NEVER
"military radio operator".
NOT "mechanic," Diminutive Man.
Fixed station operations and maintenance supervisor.
But never a radio OPERATOR.
Yes, I was. QSYing a transmitter and making sure it stays on
frequency is OPERATING.
HF comms across Pacific would routinely do about 3 QSYs per
24 hour period. With at least 30 transmitters on-circuit 24/7 that
meant at least 10 QSYs per shift.
QSYs had to be fast to minimize circuit out time, were done in
under 3 minutes...more than half of which required frequency
standards at receiver site to confirm mark and space frequencies
for RTTY circuits.
Down-time reduction was important when monthly throughput of
messages averaged 220 thousand (1955).
HF transmitter with 1 KW or more, dozens of them.
But never a radio OPERATOR.
Yell-yell WRONGO again. See above.
Yell-yell not able to change final links on 15 KW Press Wireless
transmitter in time required. :-)
Microwave radio relay operations and maintenance supervisor.
But never a radio OPERATOR.
Not as AMATEUR operator, Yell-yell. Try to understand that 24/7
operations is NOT the same as AMATEUR fun and games. Serious
business to maximize up-time on circuits.
Twenty-four voice channel 1.8 GHz terminals made by GE.
Who cares if they were made by The Hand of God?
GE (General Electric Company) is NOT that religious...they just
made good radio and electronics equipment.
You were never a radio OPERATOR.
WRONGO again. Using an AN/PRC-6 HT or the manpack (we
called it "backpack" then) AN/PRC-8 most definitely involved close to the amateur idea of OPERATING but
without all the QSLs or the fish stories of DXCC awards. :-)
I wasn't an ANTEC employeee, Lennie. I worked for a subsidiary.
Sorry you have a problem with that, but have a good IS
at your own expense.
Tsk, tsk, TSK! I never mentioned "ANTEC."
Doesn't matter...all you were was a purchasing agent, and for less
than half a year. NO work IN engineering, doing design or test.
NURSIE need to talk to the Barkers and tell them, in no uncertain
terms, that ANY honoring of Korean War dead is "dishonorable!"
But you don't honor them, Lennie.
Poor NURSIE, got the differences of HONOR and DISHONOR all
mixed up.
You try to USE thier sacrifices in order to make yourself look
better in THIS forum.
It's got nothing to do with the Department of Defense.
Yes it does. U.S. Army part of Department of Defense. 71st
Signal Service Battalion was part of U.S. Army. I was in the 71st
as well as all those other soldiers of the 71st.
It's got nothing to do with the Pacific Stars and Stripes or any
other veteran's organizations or websites.
Tell that to all the military members and their dependents then.
Stars & Stripes military newspaper is published worldwide FOR
Tell that to Hal and Ted Barker of the Korean War Project.
Tell them that they "dishonor" the Korean veterans by having that
"Tell it to the Marines." :-)
It's about Leonard H. Anderson trying to use the sacrifices of
Soldiers who died in combat three years before he was even inducted in
order to somehow glorify his otherwise lackluster Army service in an
Amateur Radio newsgroup.
WRONGO again. Tsk. I wasn't "inducted." I was a volunteer.
That showed up on my Army Serial Number as the "RA" prefix.
Inductees got a "US" prefix on that ASN.
"Lackluster career?" I was assigned in a "rear area." Most battalions
serving an area command ARE in rear areas. Very few got a chance
to pick where they were going to be.
I never intended to make a "career" in the military. I would be drafted
soon anyway and took a personal step to volunteer. No problem.
"Lackluster?" Tsk, tsk. It was the opportunity for the radio-interested
to begin in BIG TIME communications. ACAN (Army Command and
Administrative Network) was worldwide, thousands of circuits, all
in operation 24/7. No hobby that, was military Big Business sort of
It's about your misdeeds in THIS forum.
Tsk, tsk. In Stevieland of Fantasy, a "misdeed" is TALKING BACK
to the gunnery nurse! :-)
Poor NURSIE, still smarting about being talked-back to! Tsk.
I am sure you ARE sorry to have encountered me.
NURSIE just like all the other ego-boosting self-important
ignoramuses waving credientials and claiming smarts and self-
importance. Seen dozens just like her.
Really sucks to try and pull off the silly stuf you do in here
only to have someone who KNOWS BETTER to derail it for ya...
Okay, when I find one of those, I'll tell everyone who it is...
So far, I haven't found any that "knows better."
Hi hi and a Ho ho! :-)
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