Back at Ya, NURSIE
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August 28th 04, 09:20 PM
Len Over 21
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In article ,
(William) writes:
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Back at Ya, NURSIE
Date: 8/27/2004 6:00 AM Central Standard Time
Len, I not know dey use bad radios in Army. Vewwy vewwy bad radios.
Fisics vewwy vewwy different fo amateur radio. Army radio not apply
at all to radio knowledge. Bad radios.
You pwobem very complex. Cannot solve youself. Muss get help.
You have the guts to write like this then suggest that I need
Like I said...You and Lennie are your own worst enemies.
Steve, K4YZ
Why little Yell Yell man no can stay on subjek? How dey Army radios
not like amateur radios? Huh? Huh? How you change frequency in
tube-type twansmitter?
NURSIE know not of other radio, especially military, only amateur.
Pity that considering the first fielded application of the Collins Radio
T-195, with Bruene detector for automatic antenna tuning, was done
under a USMC contract in the early 1950s. :-)
Made QSYs very easy, USMC radio ops didn't have to think as
much...that thread apparently kept on evolving until it got to the
"no-brain" channel-changing stuff of yesterday's murine. :-)
[ Kellie...U.S. jeeps had been converted to 28 VDC by then, unlike
the 6 VDC of WW2 times...:-) ]
I never got to play with the new AN/GRC-19 with that automatic
antenna tuner, just saw a demonstration in the Fall of 1955. Most
I was equally impressed the first time I played with the AN/PRC-104,
today's land-forces manpack HF transceiver. It too has an auto-
matic antenna a little to-the-right-side box next to the R/T
in that battery-powered 20 W rig designed and made by Hughes
Aircraft Ground Systems. Uses little magnetic latching relays in
a binary-sequence switching of capacitors and inductors. The
mismatch detector is on the same principle of the Bruene magnitude
and phase detector of the old T-195 and in many amateur HF antenna
autotuners. PRC-104 is entirely solid-state, has nearly 20 years of
service in the U.S. military, proving the basic design is long-lasting.
Of course, for today's U.S. land forces, the main small-unit (company
and smaller size) communications radio is the AN/PRC-119 family
(known by NURSIE's hated name of SINCGARS)...VHF, full
CommSec features plus FHSS capability...excellent for communication
security in the field. A quarter million SINCGARS transceivers built
and fielded since 1989 and NURSIE never operated a single one of
them. Sunnuvagun!
But, for the HF radio equipment operators of the 1950s, using radios
of WW2 and before, every operation was MANUAL, none of that
"channel changing" alleged by those who never tweaked a military
comm radio during any of their "hostile actions." :-)
NURSIE doesn't want to hear any of detracts from his ranting.
His "operating skill" consists mainly of emotional shouting and yelling
about "expertise in fine-tuning receivers" and such as he's read in
QST (a "technical journal" of interest to Archaic Radiotelegraphy
Relay League members).
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