Back at Ya, NURSIE
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August 29th 04, 03:09 AM
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(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(William) writes:
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: Back at Ya, NURSIE
Date: 8/26/2004 6:59 PM Central Standard Time
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
You reached up and changed the channel.
Not "wrong", but you go right on ahead and tell us aaaaaaaaaaall about
those big radios, Lennie...Take us back to those blamy Asian nights,
and tell us aaaaaaaaaaaaall about those radios and how THEY have ANYTHING
to do
with AMATEUR RADIO in the 21st Century.
Len, I not know dey use bad radios in Army. Vewwy vewwy bad radios.
NURSIE not use a single one of them.
He berry berry inexperience! But he OK at blowing smoke up peeple
skert. Odders buying it. I donot.
Fisics vewwy vewwy different fo amateur radio. Army radio not apply
at all to radio knowledge. Bad radios.
NURSIE is *CREDENTIALED* amateur extra, knows ALL about
amateur radio physics!
Him very smarts, can "operate" with credential next to [censored]!
He's head up he's {censored}!
He tink it like chanjin da channel on he CB. Not so simpel.
Nothing is as simple as you, Brain.
You pwobem very complex. Cannot solve youself. Muss get help.
True. NURSIE very simple but have complex problem.
Like single cell organism berry simpel. Till it make you dierehea.
Things are looking up, though, NURSIE are learning how to "dial
authorities" to put "enemies" in asylums! :-)
Oooooh! He impotent!
NURSIE say he gonna do he gonna learn how...
Messessity mudder of all invenchun.
Stay tuned to this CHANNEL for the latest development from that
very dark darkroom of nursie's...
Pwobby got video.
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