Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
From: (William)
Date: 8/28/2004 7:47 PM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
I dare say I know more about the USAF, past and present, than you ever
while in it, Brain.
Whaaa, whaaa, whaaa!
Simply impossible!!! You are an OUTSIDER looking in.
Apparently, physics are different inside the U.S.A.F.
Too bad for you.
Yes, you are VERY sorry.
Yet I was amember of the U.S.A.F.; an INSIDER!
So have I been, Brain.
Not only as a member of CAP, but as a member of the USMC attached to the
USAF at one time.
(Before you go off on a tirade about how the CAP is not "part of the
USAF", you'd better read CAP's Constitutional Charter and see waht SecAF has to
say about it...)
Sucks to be you, Brain.
Yet, I am not Brain. Must suck to not be able to spell.
Oh, you are NOT "A" Brain to be sure.
But I "spell" just fine. I get my point across. Without yelling, even.
Wanna try for another 12 hours of being a man again, or did the other
scare you off?
Steve, I've been a man all of my adult life.
No, you've been a MALE all of your adult life.
The societal obligations of "being a man" require one to be truthful,
trustworty and honest.
Your conduct herein has been far from that.
You unwillingness to act like one even furhter distances you from the
You are a mere shell of a man. Between your seven hostile actions and
personal tragedy, you are barely recognizable as human.
Uh huh. Right.
Go get yourself fixed.
Really irks you to keep getting backed into the corner with your own
newsgroup cowpies, doesn't it, Brain?
Maybe if you stopped dropping them, you'd stop stepping in them...
Steve, K4YZ