ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
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August 30th 04, 09:09 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(N2EY) writes:
In article , Dave Heil
Oh, I won't. I don't expect Leonard (despite often writing of "getting
into" amateur radio) to actually obtain a license during his present
The license is the least of it. Setting up a station and actually
without government or corporate backing is the bigger challenge these
His "big time" operations always had government or corporate backing.
Except they weren't "his" operations. Len did not design, build, or pay for
ADA, for example. Nor did he "operate" the transmitters there, in the sense
that hams "operate" their stations.
Broadcast engineers don't "operate" their stations like hams do.
Commercial communications people don't "operate" their stations
like hams do.
Former USN radio operators didn't "operate" their stations like
hams do.
Government employees, such as those with Department of State,
don't "operate" their stations like hams do.
If you read his exploits carefully, you begin to realize that in most
situations he was one of a large group, not an independent operator. Not that
there's anything wrong with either.
False. In here, nothing can escape the Glory and Majesty and Nobility
of Operating Like Hams Do in amateur radio!
Such as walking into an HRO with a credit card, then walking out with
everything and doing the plug-and-play at home...doing it as Hams
Do! :-)
Tsk. Right, I've never been an "independent operator," not even with
a PLMRS business radio. As a partner in a business I wasn't the
sole "owner" of that radio. How sad... :-)
I wonder at Steve/K4YZ's repeated challenges for Len to get a ham license.
Would Steve rather have Len on the ham bands or here?
Tsk. Wrong handle. QUITEFINE is supposed to ask the leading
questions. Anonymouses do that.
I remember that one and Cutey Boy's memorable statement. They are,
you'll have to admit, quite similar in outcome.
You mean neither has yet made good on what they said they'd do.
So why get all upset? I sure don't.
Yes you do. The Quitefine pseudonym is a sure sign of that. :-)
Len's not going to show up on the ham bands.
Already been on those bands. Legal and not as an amateur. :-)
He's not going to write any new technical articles of any consequence
for amateur radio publications.
True. They sure as heck don't pay enough. :-)
He's not going to show up on 7037 kHz CW, nor
best any of us in a contest or DXCC.
Absolutely no one could beat the PCTA at CW contests.
Why would they? :-)
What's interesting, too, is that back in those pre-ECFS times, FCC got more
than twice as many comments, even though there were far fewer hams and far
fewer Americans than today.
Tsk. Still in the past. Try looking back just a half year. :-)
18 Petitions up for Comment at FCC and easily overwhelming the old
docket 98-143 comments. :-)
So Len does, indeed, promulgate myths.
The League is your shall not want.
You are not led into temptation.
Now lay face down on the floor in the sign of the cross and take your
Vows for life...
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