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Old August 31st 04, 11:12 PM
Len Over 21
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In article ,
(William) writes:

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article ,
(William) writes:

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
Date: 8/28/2004 7:47 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

I dare say I know more about the USAF, past and present, than

while in it, Brain.

Whaaa, whaaa, whaaa!

Simply impossible!!! You are an OUTSIDER looking in.



Apparently, physics are different inside the U.S.A.F.


You're getting warmer.

Too bad for you.




Yes, you are VERY sorry.

Yet I was amember of the U.S.A.F.; an INSIDER!

So have I been, Brain.

No, you have not.

Nursie thinks so. That is sufficient for her version of "truth."

Maybe he can get together with Kelly and compare "real Air Force"

Hi, hi!

Katapult King Kellie was doing intel photo work for the USN, not
the USAF...and dining with the Captain, leaving all the "drudge"
work to the enlisted folk.

Nursie really needs to consult with Rev. Jim since Jimmie read
all the "Jane's" books on military things and probably is as
"renowned" on that history as he is on all of radio. That's a
natural since Jimmie had all this military service experience,
worked military comms, even became an expert gury on Space
from his years in aerospace!

Error! Error! Jimmie did not. No matter, Jimmie will say anyone
talking against him is in "error" anyway... :-)

Not only as a member of CAP,

Don't make me laff you little jelly belly imposter.

but as a member of the USMC attached to the
USAF at one time.

I was attached to the US Army in the ROK. I was not in the Army.

I was attached to the US Navy in the Pacific. I was not in the Navy.

And you have never been in the US Air Force.

But...but...nursie has been a PILOT IN COMMAND!!!

[of a two-seater, single engine light general av aircraft...]

Oddly enough, for all that claimed PILOT IN COMMAND
experience, nursie never was a pilot in command in USMC.
Not in 18 years or whatever it was for the military "career."

He only does great things outside of his occupation. Hmmmm?

Whatever nursie does is "great!" :-)

Remember, he became a PILOT IN COMMAND as a civilian!

Probably got a set of wings with the laurel wreath around the
star above the shield to denote "COMMAND PILOT!" :-)

Somehow that (in his imagining) makes him an ichiban Hero
in ham radio? Hai, hai! :-)

(Before you go off on a tirade about how the CAP is not "part of

USAF", you'd better read CAP's Constitutional Charter and see waht SecAF

has to
say about it...)

Too bad.

Tsk. In nursies mind is the equation: CAP.GT.USAF

[CAP greater than USAF]

Ergo, the CAP is far more important to the National Defense than USAF
ever was. In her mind.

Apparently he didn't read those 1950's "This is the Air Force"
phamplets during CAP training.

Hi, hi!

The ink on the pamphlets might have faded in a quarter century
before he had someone read them to him. Long time to sit around
waiting for a PILOT IN COMMAND to get them. :-)

Sucks to be you, Brain.

Yet, I am not Brain. Must suck to not be able to spell.

Oh, you are NOT "A" Brain to be sure.

Hi, hi!

But I "spell" just fine. I get my point across. Without yelling,

Nefarious Yell DMC is notorious for yelling.

...and lying. Gunnery nurse consistently makes typos.

He make more spells than a coven of witches.

Amateur ones.

But he does keep the cauldron (the pot) boiling... :-)

Maybe he should lance it.

Would that make him the "little lance corporal?" :-)

Wanna try for another 12 hours of being a man again, or did the

scare you off?

Steve, I've been a man all of my adult life.

No, you've been a MALE all of your adult life.

Your fixation on my genatalia is noted. Again and again.

It's the Macho in the Mighty Macho Morsemen.

Too much "test" in the CW "test-osterone." Overdose.

I've noticed a drastic reduction in his use of the Yiddish word for

Nursie seems adamant on requiring all entering ham radio to get
a sperm count and have that passed in order to complete a license
application. Nursie is always into matters of SEX. Strange.

Jimmy Who must have faxed out a white paper on it.

Jimmie "sned" him a copy...

The question is, "Can Jimmy Who control Nefarious Yell DMC?"


Jimmie heartily approves of such behavior as done by nursie.

Saves him having to step down from posing as Mother Superior
in here under his real callsign. Doesn't stop him from joining in
as an anonymousie with haiku-like spacing...that anonymousie
approves of gunnery nurse Yell-yell's behavior and gives him high-
fives verbally. Hypocritical, but such is life in the newsgroup.

The societal obligations of "being a man" require one to be

trustworty and honest.

That would make you a woman.

Your conduct herein has been far from that.

A crazy woman at that.




You unwillingness to act like one even furhter distances you from


You just keep your distance from me.

[I wonder how far a "fuhrter" distance is?]

He say he spell real fine. ?

It's about the distance of a "frank fuhrter."

He wasn't "frank" about it...

You are a mere shell of a man. Between your seven hostile actions and
personal tragedy, you are barely recognizable as human.

Uh huh. Right.

Good. Recognizing that you have a problem is the first step.

That's about as far as it gets...

Yep - force field keeping him back. The force of light and goodness.

That force didn't come from his family joules...

[Erg! such a bad pun... :-) ]

Go get yourself fixed.

Really irks you to keep getting backed into the corner with your

newsgroup cowpies, doesn't it, Brain?

You try to Cow everyone into believing your lies.

He try for "bull-y" but is an udder failure.

Back up to his definition of being a man.

He didn't make one. Leastways, he doesn't act like those words.

Maybe if you stopped dropping them, you'd stop stepping in them...

Steve, K4YZ

I've neither dropped them nor stepped in them.

Just more of your lies.

Does it ever stop?

Seemingly, not.

Nursie fantasyland social mores are quite different than in reality.

Despite an issue worth discussing ("ARRL to propose subband-by-
bandwidth regulation"), everything seems to wind up with nursie
insulting everyone she doesn't agree with. Nearly every thread gets
like that.

No wonder Robert Casey, among others, is irritated.

I would like to oblige Robert Casey. Steve should leave this group.

I'll second that. Nursie just doesn't present a good image for
U.S. amateur radio of today.

Amateur radio can be a fun hobby and enjoyed by thousands. But,
unlike what the PCTA extras contend, it is not a job, not a profession,
not a guild, not a craft, not a union, and certainly not some kind of
boot camp or basic training. Amateur radio is a civilian hobby, not a
military one.

U.S. amateur radio does not require anyone to be employed as a
nurse. U.S. amateur radio does not require anyone to have a pilot's
license (with or without being a "pilot in command").

U.S. amateur radio operates by the very same physical laws as do
all othe radio services. Prior experience in other radio services is
helpful in understanding that physical law and theory but no more
essential to the hobby than nursing as a profession or having civilian
pilot licenses.

U.S. amateur radio is regulated by the FCC, an agency chartered to
regulate all U.S. civil radio. Absolutely no FCC commissioner or
staffer is required to hold any amateur radio license in order to regulate
U.S. amateur radio.

Morse code proficiency is NO LONGER any indicator of "qualification"
to operate on any HF bands. For most radio services it was NEVER
a requirement. While that is heretical in terms of worship of the Church
of St. Hiram, it is nevertheless true.

Having a valid U.S. amateur radio license does NOT automatically
make anyone any kind of "expert" on any subject outside of U.S.
amateur radio. In fact, it is not a guarantor of expertise within U.S.
amateur radio.