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Old September 1st 04, 04:21 PM
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(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...

In article ,
(William) writes:

I would like to oblige Robert Casey. Steve should leave this group.

I'll second that. Nursie just doesn't present a good image for
U.S. amateur radio of today.

Amateur radio can be a fun hobby and enjoyed by thousands. But,
unlike what the PCTA extras contend, it is not a job, not a profession,
not a guild, not a craft, not a union, and certainly not some kind of
boot camp or basic training. Amateur radio is a civilian hobby, not a
military one.

U.S. amateur radio does not require anyone to be employed as a
nurse. U.S. amateur radio does not require anyone to have a pilot's
license (with or without being a "pilot in command").

U.S. amateur radio operates by the very same physical laws as do
all othe radio services. Prior experience in other radio services is
helpful in understanding that physical law and theory but no more
essential to the hobby than nursing as a profession or having civilian
pilot licenses.

U.S. amateur radio is regulated by the FCC, an agency chartered to
regulate all U.S. civil radio. Absolutely no FCC commissioner or
staffer is required to hold any amateur radio license in order to regulate
U.S. amateur radio.

Morse code proficiency is NO LONGER any indicator of "qualification"
to operate on any HF bands. For most radio services it was NEVER
a requirement. While that is heretical in terms of worship of the Church
of St. Hiram, it is nevertheless true.

Having a valid U.S. amateur radio license does NOT automatically
make anyone any kind of "expert" on any subject outside of U.S.
amateur radio. In fact, it is not a guarantor of expertise within U.S.
amateur radio.

Agree on all points. Steve is a bad ambasador for the world's best hobby.

When will Steve be daparting?

I would like to get a "farewell and good luck" card and have everyone sign it.
