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Old September 2nd 04, 02:49 AM
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On 01 Sep 2004 20:09:31 GMT, (Len Over 21) wrote:


The Notice is available at:

Thank you for the link!

Any Canadian radio amateurs care to comment on that?

I'm not Canadian, but I think it fails to follw the KISS principle. They
want to add an Intermediate licence to their Basic and Advanced. Why don't
they just abolish the 'Plus' categories (i.e. plus Morse)? That would be
much simpler.

I'm not Canadian either as a "Carbo-American," but I think the "plus"
category is a sop to the existing Canadian mighty morsemen.
Canada must have its share of olde-fahrt hamme morsemen and
those must be "satisfied."

I am - and fully agree with your observation that there are -um-
a fair number of 'old school' amateurs up here, who do not believe in
the abolishment of the Code Test (approximately a third of the
respondents to the RAC survey on this subject). The RAC proposal
attempts to meet the needs of both the "Pro Morse" and "No Morse"
factions of the hobby - in quite an interesting way. Both sides win -
either path leads to a full HF-access Amateur license.

Now dat's a typically Canadian solution, eh?

I believe that the proposal is a good one - inasmuch as it provides
access to HF without the requirement of Morse testing. It does
recommend that Morse testing be made available should the applicant
desire it - I have no problem with that. Status quo - or not. Your

It recommends raising the pass marks on the exams - good idea, most
believe that they are way too low right now (60% is a pass on both the
Basic and Advanced tests currently). No issue there.

It is indeed a compromise intended to satisfy both the Morse and No
Morse factions of the hobby - but it does so with considerably more
elegance than the ARRL proposal, in my opinion.

I'm in favour of it - and my comments to that effect have been filed
with IC, as of today.

I have to agree with Hans Brakob in that our northern neighbor in
Norse America is doing the right thing for their future. Modernization
is long overdue. [excuse me...NORTH America...;-) ]

heh.....that brought back memories of Leif The Lucky from grade

Industry Canada has much simpler regulations for their radio
amateurs but accomplish the same thing in the hobby.

Well said. The less regulations, the better the hobby!

......and the less I gotta remember....

73, Leo

PS - WTF is a "Carbo-American"? - never heard that one before!