ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
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September 2nd 04, 10:38 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
Macho Morseman and Pilot In Command gunnery nurse) writes:
Subject: ARRL to propose subband-by-bandwidth regulation
(Len Over 21)
Date: 9/2/2004 1:29 PM Central Standard Time
In article ,
(William) writes:
You've got a good point. He deserves no fond farewells.
But I'd buy the card, sign it, put postage on it, and maybe even
include a box of fine chocolates just to get rid of that crazy
But would he stay away?
The great unknown.
This newsgroup essentially ceased to become any sort of discussion
forum quite some while ago. Certain individuals asserted (and
inserted) themselves as "leaders" and "knew what was good for
everything" (defining that whatever They did was "good" and what
They didn't like was "bad").
Perhaps that was due to a determined effort by a certain unlicensed
individual to berate, antagonize, humiliate and otherwise manipulate the
newsgroup in a further effort to position himself a Lord, King and God or All
Radio Knowledge.
Tsk, tsk. Nursie can't stand corrections. Worse yet, nursie can't
stand anyone with more radio experience than she the
Tsk, tsk. I've spent nearly all of my working career in radio-electronics,
retired from regular hours at it, and kept radio-electronics as a hobby
for all that time. I've had the assigned responsibility of radio design
and fulfilled that completely. Suffice to say that I actually KNOW
something about the subject. :-)
Poor nursie can't stand that. She keeps whining and carrying on,
cussing snit rants because she is given correct information on radio
regulations and radio theory. Tsk.
This newsgroup was created some years back to catch the
"discussions" on the Morse Code Test Issue, transferring it from
And of course any attempt to let IT evolve to anything ELSE is criminal.
Incorrect. Evolution is evolution. Not subject to laws of mankind.
Oh...wait...LENNIE is the one accusing AMATEURS of not evolving with
changes in technology and practice...but it's OK for HIM to insist that RRAP
not be used for any other purpsoe save one....
Nursie outraged that any professional might know more than she.
Tsk. Nursie do nothing about subject title, only use newsgroup
to constantly fight, fight, fight. Tsk.
That was long ago when the mighty morse
ruled the rank, status, privelege "qualifications" of amateurs in
that incredible multi-tiered license structure of pre-restructuring
circa 1997.
Whooooops. There goes Lennie's "I Hate Amateur Radio Rank, Status and
Priviledge Because It Diminishes My Commercial Rank, Status and Priviledge"
Tsk. I have no need for titles, rank, status. I am secure in what I
can do...from practical experience doing it...successfully.
Nursie should explain WHY amateur radio needed so many classes,
so much emphasis on rank, status, and privilege?
Amateur radio is a HOBBY. It isn't a job. It isn't a union. It isn't a
guild. It isn't a craft. It is a hobby.
No less than six classes of license for a hobby
activity...greater than the number of classes for commercial radio
operator licenses.
And now there's only three.
Three more than YOU have, Lennie.
Tsk. Irrelevant what I "have" or "don't have."
If all nursie can argue is about pieces of paper (suitable for framing),
then she is very shallow indeed.
Of course YOU would have us all spending 14 years in night school with
a GROL to BE "qualified".
Tsk. Again with insults about "night school." :-)
Poor nursie sounds like she failed some "night school" classes. :-)
College Credit formal training classes have no stigma attached...
except to those who can't complete them. I've completed mine
whether they were in the daytime or at nighttime. College level
accreditation does not depend on the time of day a class is held.
There was NO "GROL" when I took and passed my one test for
a First Class Radiotelephone (Commercial) Operator's license in
1956. Poor nursie just can't stand that someone did something
better than she did long ago. :-)
Not necessary. Just $10 and an hour ata a VE session.
Commercial radio operator licenses can only be done by COLEMs.
Consult Title 47 C.F.R. Parts 1 and 2 for details.
FCC records on such things prove otherwise, but of course Lennie tends to
ignore things archived in federal documents.
Incorrect. Tsk. Nursie beginning to trashmouth again... :-)
That's just a natural survival tactic of any fraternal survive
they need membership and attraction to the league "product" is to
tell others what those others what the league leadership thinks
they want newcomers to hear. ARRL went a bit too far.
If this were true, the ARRL could have taken the "sure-bet" path years
ago and pandered to the lowest common denominator.
Nursie got in. That should say it all... :-)
League membership is around 170K.
Still? Tsk. Less than a quarter of all licensed U.S. amateurs!
Coincidentally, the membership of the Academy of Model
Aeronautics is also about 170 thousand members.
Academy members mostly fly radio-controlled model aircraft.
They lobbied for and got a whole band of VHF frequencies for
such a fun hobby. AMA even has insurance for members and
clubs, sponsors all sorts of competitive meets of flyers.
The no-code-test Technician license class never really stopped
growing since 1991. That class has become the Majority of all U.S.
amateur licensees...regardless of the rationalizations of the pro-
coders trying to play numbers games after the Restructuring.
The "rationalizations" are bilateral, Your Putziness. You are evidence
Poor nursie, just CAN'T take any contrary opinions, can she?
National numbers (archived by the FCC) belie nursie's assertion.
No-code-test Technician class was, by far, the fastest growing
license class in amateur radio. Now that class is the MAJORITY.
Nothing about Amateur Radio has remaind unchanged, Lennie, except for the
term "Amateur Radio" or "Ham".
Ham quality is regulated by the FDA in the USA. :-)
The rest has been an almost 90 year history of fluidity.
...from all the mighty macho morsemen relieving themselves? :-)
This forum is about AMATUER RADIO...not the LEMMING Radio service.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Tell the ARRL that. :-)
Factors exist in the AMATEUR RADIO service that lend itself to the
continued testing for and implementation of Morse Code.
The only "factors" are the ultra-conservative stubbornness of the
olde-tyme hamme morsemen refusing to concede anything. :-)
Of course pointing out that the retention of Morse Code testing was
mandated by international treaty, of which the United States was signatory.
After WRC-03, at the end of July, 2003, the USA remains "signatory"
and there is NO international obligation to retain any morse code
test for amateur radio licensing by any administration.
Geez, that sure spoil nursie's Big Rant or what? :-)
That law has been changed and the US Government has it's regulatory
wheels churning to determine how to accomodate that.
tsk. Amateur phrasing, bad aphorisms. :-)
Part 97, Title 47 C.F.R. hasn't been changed to take out any code
test. No "churning" there...but it butters up the fantasies of the
olde-tyme hamme radio morsemen. :-)
Again, yet another fact you refuse to acknowledge.
I acknowledge that the U.S. amateur morse code test has NOT
been eliminated.
Tsk. Nursie can't read properly or is on the wrong meds...?
You're the one trying to use the relief tube the same way
1930's fighter pilots used to communicate between the cockpits.
Tsk. Nursie has been reading too much pulp fiction left over from
the 1920s. :-)
It must be the CAP training of the Pilot In Command! :-)
You can hear them "roar" on the bottom ends of the more popular HF
NOT on the 6, 9, 11, and 15 MHz bands. :-)
Those are "shortwave broadcast" bands...and are the "most popular."
But, if your little transceiver can't tune those frequencies you will
never hear them...and thus they "don't exist." :-)
Independence of thought is a no-no, unthinkable.
Only on 10048 Lanark, Sun valley, CA...and in most Islamic nations.
tsk, Tsk, TSK! :-)
Independence of thought and deed is, or should be, the watchword
of this nation. I prize it, even volunteered for military service to
insure its continuation.
Nursie make trashmouth again. Tsk.
Regardless of the "minority within a minority", it will always be a
MAJORITY compared to the Leonard H. Anderson's licensed AND experienced in
the Amateur Radio Service.
Tell that to the FCC. No Commissioner or staffer is required to have
any amateur radio license to regulate U.S. amateur radio!
It's terrible when nursie's rants get ruined...
Poor nursie. All petulant and prissy when confronted with opposite
opinions. All she can do is trashmouth "opponents." Very little
thought required to do that, just do the yell-yell. :-)
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